
2025-03-16 Flickgame

I recently came across Increpare's lovely Flickgame project. It's a kind of slideshow program and game engine in which scenes are navigated based on which color is clicked on. I didn't see myself using the javascript implementation, and since this elegant idea was so straightforward, I figured I might as well spend a day to port it to Varvara.

I took the opportunity to improve things a bit and made it usable on the NintendoDS. Once I had a working version, I wrote a compiler for flick games to uxn roms, so I could share the results. And then, I started drawing little stories, and then some. How about a #flickjam?


2025-03-05 Working Out

For a while now, I've been feeling like I've sort of maxed out on programming, not to say that I know everything there is to know about the topic, but that I've learnt enough to shape software in exactly the way I need to tackle the problems I typically need programming for. So I've been turning my gaze into other domains of life which I've all but neglected while on this creative coding journey.

I've ramped things up a notch these past few weeks and dedicated more time to learning about fitness, nutrition, anatomy and getting a bit smarter about the way I work out. This new fascination of mine is teetering close to a full on project, when even on rest days, a sizeable chunk of my waking hours goes into reading about related topics and planning the next day's exercises and meals. I might just keep on pulling on that thread to see where this leads. A nagging voice in my head keeps going on and on about how this might just come in handy in the very near future.


2025-02-18 Faeputing

I've had various little undocumented utilities hanging around that didn't share a clear connection in terms of design. I recently needed a desktop calendar to track some personal stats and decided to riff on Note Pad for its UI, which is itself already a port of the classic Macintosh program. To tie it all together, I gave the same treatment to the music player, which was inspired from the first generation iPod. They all look really nice next to each other now.


2025-02-01 Monochrome Oquonie and Neural Nets

Trying to bridge the gap between rewriting systems and interaction nets, I gave a second look at McCulloch & Pitts neural nets. I was curious to see if this would make for a fun and readily parallelizable language runtime, so I went ahead and spent the better part of the past few days designing one.

I haven't used it for anything serious yet, but already with as little as 150 lines of code it allows me to quickly prototype and evaluate tasks! My plan is to use it as a sort of coordination language.


2025-01-25 Handmade Conference Post-Mortem

Some months ago, attendees of the Handmade Seattle conference expressed their grievances with the conference in regards to its pivoting to include talks with mentions of social justice awareness and a slightly more diverse panel of speakers, at the cost of the usual guy-packs-bytes-in-the-right-sequence talks. Which I have nothing against as someone who tend to give talks of that exact flavor.

In any case, the conference organizer apologized for the poor selection of speakers which did not correspond to the expectations of ticket holders, promising to resolve the issue in the following year, and in passing, that free and open source software developers would no longer be welcomed as speakers.

I happened to be present in the chatroom when the apology letter went out and merely questioned whether the choice was really about the lack of low-level talks, and not something else. It did not take long for bigots of all sorts to come out and lament the good old days of the conference and soon the chatroom was ablaze with some pretty vile things against trans people, this went on for hours without intervention, the usual.

What I did not expect was for the conference organizer, who ghosted me for months, to finally break radio silence to slam me for speaking out and partially blamming me for the unraveling of the conference organization, and decided against covering the agreed upon travel stipend. I have since requested for the talk videos to be removed.

So why is software so terrible?
We made it terrible.
The Handmade Manifesto


2025-01-11 Langdev January

It has become something of a yearly ritual to take the first few days of the year to write a new implementation of the compiler I use daily. It serves to see how my programming style and solutions to these now familiar problems might have evolved, it also ensures that the language itself doesn't grow beyond what I am capable of implementing in at most a week's time.

The most discernible difference in this new implementation, is that it leans heavily on object-oriented patterns, by favoring methods acting on private values, over pointer arithmetic by function application. The stack is principally used as the communication channel between objects, for example, a text object's buffer is only ever modified through its explicitly defined capabilities, not by a function taking a text pointer. It turns out it limits bugs, it is faster and even often smaller!