
A collection of Varvara programs from an alternate past.

These are the principal utilities that I have running at all times while I work on the computer. They started off as ports of Macintosh System 7 desktop utilities, but have since been standardized and optimized to do as little redraw and disk access as possible.

A port of the Macintosh System 7 Notepad.

An original design by Donn Denman for the Macintosh.

Calendar inspired by the Macintosh System 7 Notepad.

Press enter to add or edit an event.

A client for mpg123.

This player was originally created to test an experimental feature of uxn11 that allows Varvara to communicate with other non-uxn programs, but has since become the only music player that I use. It works as a client to mpg123. The project was created in collaboration with d6.

Catclock inspired from the original X10 application.

This Uxntal implementation of the catclock was created in collaboration with Rekka Bellum.

Catclock is originally a X10 program by Tony Della Fera, Dave Mankins, Ed Moy, Deanna Hohn and Philip Schneider, crafted for entertainment, in the late 1980's. It was also ported to the Plan 9 operating system by Tom Duff, which is where I first came across the catclock.