( Nebu ) |00 @System/vector $2 &expansion $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &metadata $2 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &state $1 |10 @Console/vector $2 &read $5 &type $1 &write $1 &error $1 |20 @Screen/vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 |80 @Controller/vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 |90 @Mouse/vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &pad $3 &sx $2 &sy $1 &sy-lb $1 |a0 @File/vector $2 &success $1 &success-lb $1 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 |0240 @WIDTH |0080 @LINES |0012 @header/height |000 @src/buf $40 &cap $1 &spacer $1 @viewport/w-hb $1 &w $1 &h-hb $1 &h $1 @select/a &ax $1 &ay $1 &b &bx $1 &by $1 &scroll $1 @select/is-rect $1 &rect-a &rect-ax $1 &rect-ay $1 &rect-b &rect-bx $1 &rect-by $1 @cmd/inserted $1 @rect/buf $8 |100 @on-reset ( -> ) ;meta #06 DEO2 theme/ ;WIDTH .Screen/width DEO2 #0162 .Screen/height DEO2 .Screen/height DEI2 ;header/height SUB2 #04 SFT2 #03 SUB .viewport/h-hb STZ2 .Screen/width DEI2 #06 SFT2 .viewport/w-hb STZ2 [ LIT2 ", -src/spacer ] STZ ( | unlock ) ;on-button .Controller/vector DEO2 ;grid/on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2 ( | loader ) .Console/type DEI ?{ cells/ BRK } ;src/on-console .Console/vector DEO2 BRK @on-button ( -> ) .Controller/key DEI .Controller/button DEI ( | handlers ) DUP #10 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #20 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #40 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #80 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #14 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #24 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #44 NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #84 NEQ ?{ select/ } ( | ctrl ) DUP2 [ LIT2 "n 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ cells/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 "o 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ ;src/buf cells/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 "s 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ ;src/buf cells/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 "c 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ snarf/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 "v 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ snarf/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 "x 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ snarf/ } DUP2 [ LIT2 0d 01 ] NEQ2 ?{ .select/b LDZ2 cmd/ } ( | spacer key ) OVR .src/spacer LDZ NEQ ?{ POP2 select/ BRK } ( | key ) #fb AND ?{ DUP #1b NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #08 NEQ ?{ .select/b LDZ2 cmd/ } DUP #7f NEQ ?{ ;cmd/do-delete cmd/ } DUP #0d NEQ ?{ select/ } DUP #20 LTH OVR #7e GTH ORA ?{ DUP .select/b LDZ2 cmd/ } } POP BRK ( @|src ) @src/on-console ( -> ) .Console/read DEI ( ) DUP #20 GTH ?{ POP #0000 .Console/vector DEO2 ;src/buf cells/ BRK } / BRK @src/ ( c -- ) [ LIT2 00 &ptr -&buf ] INCk ,&ptr STR STZ2 JMP2r @src/ ( -- ) [ LIT2 -&buf _&ptr ] STR ;&default-name &>w ( -- ) LDAk / INC2 LDAk ?&>w POP2 JMP2r &default-name "untitled.csv $1 ( @|cmd ) %char-is-uc ( c -- f ) { [ LIT "A ] SUB #1a LTH } %char-is-num ( c -- f ) { [ LIT "0 ] SUB #0a LTH } %rect-unpack ( rect* -- bx ax by ay ) { INC2k INC2 LDA2 #0101 ADD2 SWP2 LDA2 ROT SWP } %exists ( index* -- f ) { INC2k ORA } @cmd/ ( x y -- ) .select/a LDZ2 .select/b LDZ2 NEQ2 ?{ POP2 JMP2r } select/ !select/ @cmd/ ( str* cell* -- ) STH2 &>wi ( -- ) LDAk #00 STH2kr STA2 INC2r INC2 LDAk ?&>wi POP2 POP2r !grid/ @cmd/ ( c x y -- ) cells/get-addr DUP2 scap ( clamp ) SWP2k SUB2 NIP #1f LTH ?{ POP2 POP2 POP JMP2r } NIP2 ( save ) STA grid/ [ LIT2 01 -&inserted ] STZ !/ @cmd/ ( x y -- ) cells/get-addr DUP2 scap ( clamp ) NEQ2k ?{ POP2 POP2 JMP2r } NIP2 ( save ) #0001 SUB2 #0000 SWP2 STA2 grid/ !/ @cmd/do-delete ( x y -- ) cells/get-addr #0020 ! @cmd/ ( fn* -- ) ,&fn STR2 select/get-rect &>lv ( -- ) OVR2 &>lh ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP [ LIT2 &fn $2 ] JSR2 ( ) INC GTHk ?&>lh POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lv POP2 POP2 !grid/ @cmd/ ( -- ) #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 [ LIT2 00 -viewport/h ] LDZ #03 ADD #40 SFT2 .Screen/y DEO2 #01b8 ;line-icn #15 #0040 .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEI2k INC2 ROT DEO2 .select/b LDZ2 cells/get-addr #05 chicago/ ( | rect preview ) .select/b LDZ2 DUP2 calc/parse-rect ( val ) OVR2 calc/validate exists ?{ POP2 POP2 JMP2r } .Screen/x DEI2k #0006 ADD2 ROT DEO2 ;arrow-icn .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 0a -Screen/sprite ] DEO NIP2 !cell/ ( @|select ) @select/get-rect ( -- bx ax by ay ) .select/bx LDZ INC .select/ax LDZ .select/by LDZ INC .select/ay LDZ JMP2r @select/ ( -- ) .cmd/inserted LDZ ?{ .&a LDZ2 .&b STZ2 !grid/ } .&b LDZ2 .&a STZ2 !grid/ @select/ ( -- ) [ LIT2 04 -Controller/button ] DEI EQU ?{ ( | default ) .cmd/inserted LDZ ?/ !/ } .cmd/inserted LDZ ?/ !/ @select/ ( -- ) .&a LDZ2 ( clamp ) DUP ?{ POP2 JMP2r } #01 SUB ( | follow ) DUP .select/scroll LDZ GTH ?{ DUP .select/scroll STZ } .&a STZ2 & ( -- ) .&b LDZ2 #01 SUB !/ @select/ ( -- ) ( clamp ) .&by LDZ .LINES #01 SUB LTH ?{ JMP2r } .&a LDZ2 INC ( | follow ) DUP .viewport/h LDZ .select/scroll LDZ ADD LTH ?{ DUP .viewport/h LDZ SUB .select/scroll STZ } .&a STZ2 & ( -- ) .&b LDZ2 INC !/ @select/ ( -- ) .&a LDZ2 ( clamp ) OVR ?{ POP2 JMP2r } #0100 SUB2 .&a STZ2 & ( -- ) .&b LDZ2 #0100 SUB2 !/ @select/ ( -- ) ( clamp ) .&bx LDZ #07 LTH ?{ JMP2r } .&a LDZ2 #0100 ADD2 .&a STZ2 & ( -- ) .&b LDZ2 #0100 ADD2 !/ @select/ ( x y -- ) DUP2 .&a LDZ2 NEQ2 ?{ POP2 JMP2r } DUP2 .&a STZ2 ( >> ) @select/ ( x y -- ) DUP2 .&b LDZ2 NEQ2 ?{ POP2 JMP2r } INCk .&ay LDZ GTH ?{ POP2 JMP2r } OVR INC .&ax LDZ GTH ?{ POP2 JMP2r } .&b STZ2 / !grid/ @select/ ( -- ) .&a LDZ2 calc/parse-rect ( val ) .&a LDZ2 calc/validate exists ?{ POP2 [ LIT2 00 -&is-rect ] STZ JMP2r } LDA2k .&rect-a STZ2 INC2 INC2 LDA2 .&rect-b STZ2 [ LIT2 01 -&is-rect ] STZ JMP2r @select/ ( x y -- ) rect/create OVR2 cells/get-addr cmd/ !/ @select/ ( x -- ) DUP [ LIT2 00 -&a ] STZ2 .LINES !/ @select/ ( y -- ) #00 OVR .&a STZ2 #08 SWP !/ ( @|rect ) @rect/ ( c -- ) [ LIT2 00 &ptr -&buf ] INCk ,&ptr STR STZ2 JMP2r @rect/create ( -- rect* ) [ LIT2 -&buf _&ptr ] STR .select/ay LDZ .select/ax LDZ / [ LIT ": ] / .select/by LDZ .select/bx LDZ / ;&buf JMP2r @rect/ ( x y -- ) [ LIT "A ] ADD / #00 SWP !/ @rect/ ( short* -- ) #000a SWP2 [ LITr ff ] &>get ( -- ) SWP2k DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 STH POP OVR2 DIV2 ORAk ?&>get POP2 POP2 &>put ( -- ) STHr INCk ?{ POP JMP2r } [ LIT "0 ] ADD / !&>put ( @|grid ) @grid/on-mouse ( -> ) #41 ;mouse-icn cursor/ ( | scroll ) .Mouse/sy-lb DEI DUP ?&on-scroll POP ( | touch ) [ LIT2 &last $1 -Mouse/state ] DEI DUP ,&last STR ( | handlers ) DUP2 #0002 EQU2 ?&on-down2 DUP2 #0001 EQU2 ?&on-down DUP2 #0101 EQU2 ?&on-drag DUP2 #0100 EQU2 ?&on-up POP2 BRK @grid/on-scroll ( v -> ) .select/scroll LDZ ADD / BRK @grid/on-down ( touch* -> ) POP2 /get-touch ( | rules ) DUP INC ?{ POP select/ BRK } OVR INC ?{ NIP select/ BRK } select/ BRK @grid/on-down2 ( touch* -> ) POP2 /get-touch select/ BRK @grid/on-drag ( touch* -> ) POP2 /get-touch select/ BRK @grid/on-up ( touch* -> ) POP2 /get-touch select/ BRK @grid/get-touch ( -- x y ) ( x ) .Mouse/x DEI2 #06 SFT2 NIP #01 SUB ( y ) .Mouse/y DEI2 #0012 SUB2 #04 SFT2 NIP #01 SUB .select/scroll LDZ ADD JMP2r @grid/ ( change -- ) DUP #ff EQU ?&fail DUP [ LIT2 -LINES -viewport/h ] LDZ INC SUB GTH ?&fail DUP .select/scroll LDZ EQU ?&fail .select/scroll STZ !/ &fail POP JMP2r @grid/ ( -- ) #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 ;header/height .Screen/y DEO2 #03 cell/ #0004 .Screen/x DEO2 rect/create #05 chicago/ ( | ) #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 ;header/height .Screen/y DEO2 #05 ;chicago/color STA .viewport/w LDZ #00 &>rx ( -- ) #00 OVR INC #60 SFT2 .Screen/x DEO2 DUP cell/ INC GTHk ?&>rx POP2 ( | body ) .viewport/h LDZ INC #00 &>y ( -- ) #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 #00 OVR INC #40 SFT2 ;header/height ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2 DUP .select/scroll LDZ ADD DUP ,&ay STR cell/ .viewport/w LDZ #00 &>x ( -- ) #00 OVR INC #60 SFT2 .Screen/x DEO2 DUP [ LIT &ay $1 ] cell/ INC GTHk ?&>x POP2 INC GTHk ?&>y POP2 !cmd/ @cell/ ( id -- ) STH .Screen/x DEI2 ( | draw background ) [ LIT2 03 -select/ax ] LDZ STHkr GTH ?{ .select/bx LDZ STHkr LTH ?{ POP #02 } } / ( | border ) [ LIT2 11 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;frame-icns/rx .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 05 -Screen/sprite ] DEO ( | id ) [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO #0034 ADD2 .Screen/x DEO2 STHr #41 ADD !chicago/ @cell/ ( id -- ) STH .Screen/y DEI2 ( | fill ) [ LIT2 03 -select/ay ] LDZ STHkr GTH ?{ .select/by LDZ STHkr LTH ?{ POP #02 } } / ( | border ) [ LIT2 72 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;frame-icns/ry .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 05 -Screen/sprite ] DEO ( | id ) #003c .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEO2 #00 STHr decs !chicago/ @cell/is-selected ( x y -- f ) DUP .select/ay LDZ LTH ?{ DUP .select/by LDZ GTH ?{ SWP DUP .select/ax LDZ LTH ?{ DUP .select/bx LDZ GTH ?{ POP2 #01 JMP2r } } } } POP2 #00 JMP2r @cell/is-incoming ( x y -- f ) .select/is-rect LDZ ?{ POP2 #00 JMP2r } DUP .select/rect-ay LDZ LTH ?{ DUP .select/rect-by LDZ GTH ?{ SWP DUP .select/rect-ax LDZ LTH ?{ DUP .select/rect-bx LDZ GTH ?{ POP2 #01 JMP2r } } } } POP2 #00 JMP2r @cell/ ( color -- ) ;fill-icn ( >> ) @cell/ ( color patt* -- ) ( store ) [ LITr -Screen/y ] DEI2kr ( fill ) LIT2 72 -Screen/auto ] DEO .Screen/addr DEO2 .Screen/sprite DEOk DEO ( recover ) ROTr DEO2r JMP2r @cell/ ( -- ) ( store ) [ LITr -Screen/y ] DEI2kr ( line ) [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;frame-icns .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 05 -Screen/sprite ] DEO [ LIT2 62 -Screen/auto ] DEO [ LIT2 05 -Screen/sprite ] DEO ( recover ) ROTr DEO2r JMP2r @cell/ ( x y -- ) DUP2 /is-selected ?/ DUP2 /is-incoming ?/ DUP2 calc/parse-rect ( val ) OVR2 calc/validate exists ?/ POP2 STH2 .Screen/x DEI2 ( | fill ) #00 / / #0004 ADD2 .Screen/x DEO2 STH2r ( >> ) @cell/ ( x y -- ) cells/get-addr LDAk #20 LTH ?{ #05 !chicago/ } POP2 JMP2r @cell/ ( x y -- ) #02 ;diag-icn / / .Screen/x DEI2k #0004 SUB2 ROT DEO2 !/ @cell/ ( x y rect* -- ) #03 / / #05 ;chicago/color STA .Screen/x DEI2k #0004 SUB2 ROT DEO2 NIP2 !/ @cell/ ( x y -- ) #02 / / .Screen/x DEI2k #0004 SUB2 ROT DEO2 DUP2 calc/parse-rect ( val ) OVR2 calc/validate ( calc? ) exists ?{ POP2 !/ } NIP2 ( >> ) @cell/ ( rect* -- ) [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO DUP2 #0004 ADD2 LDA [ LIT "" ] EQU ?calc/run-cat calc/run ;chicago/ !x32-draw @ ( color times addr* auto -- ) .Screen/auto DEO ,&addr STR2 SWP STH [ LITr -Screen/sprite ] &>l ( -- ) [ LIT2 &addr $2 ] .Screen/addr DEO2 DEOkr INC DUP ?&>l POP POP2r JMP2r ( @|calc ) @calc/parse-point ( str* -- cap* x y ) LDAk char-is-uc ?{ #ffff JMP2r } INC2k LDA char-is-num ?{ #ffff JMP2r } LDAk [ LIT "A ] SUB STH INC2 sdec NIP STHr SWP JMP2r @calc/parse-rect ( x y -- * ) cells/get-addr /parse-point exists ?{ NIP2 JMP2r } ( str* point* ) ,&a STR2 ( str* ) LDAk [ LIT ": ] EQU ?{ POP2 #ffff JMP2r } ( str* ) INC2 /parse-point exists ?{ NIP2 JMP2r } ( str* point* ) ,&b STR2 LDA ,&op STR ;&rect JMP2r &rect &a $2 &b $2 &op $1 @calc/validate ( rect* x y -- rect* ) STH2 exists ?{ POP2r JMP2r } INC2k INC2 LDA2 STHr LTH SWP STHr LTH ORA ?{ POP2 #ffff } JMP2r @calc/get-cat ( x y -- ) DUP2 /parse-rect OVR2 /validate exists ?{ ( ) POP2 cells/get-addr !chicago/ } NIP2 ( >> ) @calc/run-cat ( rect* -- ) rect-unpack &>lcv ( -- ) OVR2 &>lch ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP /get-cat ( ) INC GTHk ?&>lch POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lcv POP2 POP2 JMP2r @calc/get-value ( x y -- res** ) DUP2 /parse-rect OVR2 /validate exists ?{ ( is a rect ) POP2 cells/get-addr LDAk ?{ POP2 ;&zero-str } !x32-parse } NIP2 ( >> ) @calc/run ( rect* -- res** ) ( opc ) DUP2 #0004 ADD2 LDA ( | special handlers ) DUP [ LIT "# ] EQU ?/run-len STH ( opc ini acc** ) [ LITr 00 LIT2r $2 LIT2r $2 ] ( .. ) rect-unpack &>lv ( -- ) OVR2 &>lh ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP ( x y ) STH2r STH2r ROT2 ( hs* ls* x y ) /get-value ( hs* ls* x y ini ) STHr ?{ ( no-op ) [ LITr 01 STH2 STH2 ] POP2 POP2 !&resume } STHkr /run-op [ LITr 01 STH2 STH2 ] &resume ( -- ) INC GTHk ?&>lh POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lv POP2 POP2 STH2r STH2r POP2r JMP2r @calc/run-len ( rect* op -- res** ) POP rect-unpack [ LITr 00 ] &>lvl ( -- ) OVR2 &>lhl ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP /get-value x32-is-zero ?{ INCr } INC GTHk ?&>lhl POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lvl POP2 POP2 STHr !x32-from-u8 @calc/run-op ( acc* val** c -- res** ) DUP [ LIT "- ] NEQ ?{ POP !x32-sub } DUP [ LIT "* ] NEQ ?{ POP !x32-mul } DUP [ LIT "/ ] NEQ ?{ POP !x32-div } POP !x32-add @calc/zero-str "0 $1 ( @|cells ) %PROM ( x y -- x* y* ) { #0000 SWP2 ROT SWP } @cells/get-addr ( x y -- addr* ) PROM #30 SFT2 ADD2 #50 SFT2 ;&buf ADD2 JMP2r @cells/ ( -- ) src/ / #00 header/ !grid/ @cells/ ( -- ) ;&buf [ LIT2 00 -LINES ] #80 SFT2 ! @cells/find-bounds ( -- x 0 y 0 ) [ LIT2r 0000 ] #4000 &>lfv ( -- ) #0800 &>lfh ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP DUP2 /get-addr LDA #00 EQU ?{ ( y ) DUP STHr GTHk [ JMP SWP ] POP STH ( . ) SWP SWPr ( x ) DUP STHr GTHk [ JMP SWP ] POP STH ( . ) SWPr } POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lfh POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lfv POP2 SWPr ( x ) STHr INC #00 ( y ) STHr INC #00 JMP2r @cells/ ( src* -- ) STH2 /find-bounds STH2r ( >> ) @cells/ ( bx ax by ay src* -- ) .File/name DEO2 &>lv ( -- ) OVR2 &>lh ( -- ) DUP OVR2 POP /get-addr File/ DUP2 INC EQU ?{ .src/spacer LDZ File/ } INC GTHk ?&>lh [ LIT 0a ] File/ POP2 INC GTHk ?&>lv POP2 POP2 JMP2r @cells/ ( src* -- ) / #0000 SWP2 ( >> ) @cells/ ( x y src* -- ) DUP2 /find-filetype .File/name DEO2 / #0001 .File/length DEO2 ;&bufcap ;&buf &>sl ( -- ) ;&b .File/read DEO2 .File/success-lb DEI ?{ POP2 POP2 #00 header/ !grid/ } [ LIT &b $1 ] / INC2 GTH2k ?&>sl ;dict/err-size POP2 POP2 #00 header/ !grid/ @cells/ ( c -- ) DUP .src/spacer LDZ EQU ?/move-x DUP #0a EQU ?/move-y [ LIT2 1f _&c ] LDR NEQ ?{ POP JMP2r } #00 ( char ) [ LIT2 00 &c $1 ] INCk ,&c STR ( x y ) [ LIT2 &x $1 &y $1 ] /get-addr ADD2 STA2 JMP2r &move-x ( c -- ) [ LIT2 00 _&c ] STR ,&x LDR INC ,&x STR POP JMP2r &move-y ( c -- ) [ LIT2 00 _&c ] STR [ LIT2 &anchor $1 _&x ] STR ,&y LDR INC ,&y STR POP JMP2r @cells/ ( x y -- ) ,&y STR DUP ,&x STR ,&anchor STR [ LIT2 00 _&c ] STR JMP2r @cells/find-filetype ( str* -- ) scap #0002 SUB2 LDA2k [ LIT2 "sv ] NEQ2 ?{ DUP2 #0001 SUB2 LDA [ LIT "t ] NEQ ?{ POP2 [ LIT2 09 -src/spacer ] STZ JMP2r } } [ LIT2 ", -src/spacer ] STZ POP2 JMP2r ( @|chicago ) @chicago/get-utf8-addr ( addr* -- addr* glyph* ) LDAk #20 LTH ?{ LDAk #7f GTH ?{ LDAk #20 SUB #00 SWP #50 SFT2 ;/glyphs ADD2 JMP2r } } ;check-icn JMP2r @chicago/get-utf8-width ( addr* -- addr* width* ) LDAk #7f GTH ?{ LDAk #0000 ROT ;/widths ADD2 LDA JMP2r } #0008 JMP2r @chicago/get-str-width ( text* -- width* ) [ LIT2r 0000 ] &>ww ( -- ) /get-utf8-width STH2 ( > ) ADD2r next-glyph LDAk ?&>ww POP2 STH2r JMP2r @chicago/ ( text* -- ) .Screen/x DEI2 OVR2 chicago/get-str-width SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2 !/ @chicago/ ( text* color -- ) ,&color STR ( >> ) @chicago/ ( text* -- ) [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO &>wsc ( -- ) LDAk ?{ POP2 JMP2r } / next-glyph !&>wsc @chicago/ ( addr* -- addr* ) [ LITr -Screen/x ] DEI2r ( glyph* ) /get-utf8-addr .Screen/addr DEO2 ( width* ) /get-utf8-width STH2 ( draw2 ) [ LIT2 &color 01 -Screen/sprite ] ( draw1 ) DUPr [ LITr 08 LTHr JMPr DEOk ] DEO ADD2r [ LITr -Screen/x ] DEO2r JMP2r @chicago/ ( char -- ) #00 SWP ( ) DUP2 #20 SUB #50 SFT2 ;&glyphs ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2 ( ) ;&widths ADD2 LDA #00 SWP .Screen/x DEI2 ADD2 ( ) ,&color LDR .Screen/sprite DEOk DEO .Screen/x DEO2 JMP2r ( @|header ) @header/on-mouse ( -> ) #41 ;mouse-icn cursor/ [ LIT2 &last $1 -Mouse/state ] DEI ( | handlers ) DUP2 #0001 NEQ2 ?{ /outside-quit ?{ / } } DUP2 #0100 NEQ2 ?{ / } ,&last STR POP BRK @header/outside-quit ( -- f ) .Mouse/x DEI2 #0008 SUB2 #000c GTH2 ?{ .Mouse/y DEI2 #0002 SUB2 #000c GTH2 ?{ #00 JMP2r } } #01 JMP2r @header/ ( -- ) /outside-quit ?{ #800f DEO } #00 !/ @header/ ( -- ) #01 ( >> ) @header/ ( toggle -- ) #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 #0010 .Screen/y DEO2 #85b8 ;&border-chr #01 #0000 .Screen/x DEO2 #0000 .Screen/y DEO2 [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;&left-icn .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 09 -Screen/sprite ] DEO #00 SWP #50 SFT2 ;&close-icn ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 09 -Screen/sprite ] DEOk DEO #09bc ;&middle-icn #15 ;&right-icn .Screen/addr DEO2 [ LIT2 09 -Screen/sprite ] DEO ( >> ) @header/ ( -- ) #0001 .Screen/y DEO2 ;WIDTH #01 SFT2 .Screen/x DEO2 #09 ;chicago/color STA .Screen/x DEI2 ;src/buf chicago/get-str-width #01 SFT2 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2 #20 chicago/ ;src/buf #09 !chicago/ ( @|cursor ) @cursor/ ( -- ) .Mouse/y DEI2 ;header/height GTH2 ?{ ( ) ;header/on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2 JMP2r } ;grid/on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2 JMP2r @cursor/ ( color addr* -- ) [ LIT2 15 -Screen/auto ] DEO ;fill-icn .Screen/addr DEO2 #40 / / .Mouse/x DEI2 ,&x STR2 .Mouse/y DEI2 ,&y STR2 .Screen/addr DEO2 ( >> ) @cursor/ ( color -- ) [ LIT2 &x $2 ] .Screen/x DEO2 [ LIT2 &y $2 ] .Screen/y DEO2 .Screen/sprite DEO JMP2r ( @|theme ) @theme/ ( -- ) #f0ad #f0ef #f0be ( >> ) @theme/ ( r* g* b* -- ) .System/b DEO2 .System/g DEO2 .System/r DEO2 JMP2r @theme/ ( -- ) ;&path .File/name DEO2 #0002 .File/length DEO2 ;&r .File/read DEO2 ;&g .File/read DEO2 ;&b .File/read DEO2 .File/success-lb DEI ?{ !theme/ } [ LIT2 &r $2 ] [ LIT2 &g $2 ] [ LIT2 &b $2 ] !theme/ &path ".theme $1 ( @|snarf ) @snarf/ ( -- ) select/get-rect ;&filepath !cells/ @snarf/ ( -- ) .select/a LDZ2 ;&filepath !cells/ @snarf/ ( -- ) / ;cmd/do-delete !cmd/ @snarf/filepath ".snarf $1 ( @|File ) @File/ ( text* -- ) DUP2 slen .&length DEO2 .&write DEO2 JMP2r @File/ ( c -- ) #0001 .&length DEO2 ;&b STAk .&write DEO2 POP JMP2r &b $1 ( @|stdlib ) @ ( src* len* -- ) ,&length STR2 ,&addr STR2 ;&mmu .System/expansion DEO2 JMP2r &mmu 00 &length $2 0000 &addr $2 00 @slen ( str* -- len* ) DUP2 scap SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r @scap ( str* -- end* ) LDAk ?{ JMP2r } INC2 !scap @decs ( short* -- str* ) [ LIT2r =&cap ] &>w ( -- ) DUP2 #000a DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 [ LIT "0 ] ADD STH2kr STA2 [ LIT2r 0001 SUB2r ] #000a DIV2 ( ) ORAk ?&>w POP2 STH2r INC2 INC2 JMP2r $5 &cap $3 @sdec ( str* -- cap* hex* ) [ LIT2r 0000 ] &>w ( -- ) LDAk [ LIT "0 ] LTH ?&end LDAk #39 GTH ?&end LDAk [ LIT "0 ] SUB #00 SWP STH2r #000a MUL2 ADD2 STH2 INC2 LDAk ?&>w &end STH2r JMP2r @next-glyph ( addr* -- addr* ) INC2 LDAk ( utf8 ) #06 SFT #02 EQU ?next-glyph JMP2r @ ( short* -: ) SWP /b &b ( byte -: ) DUP #04 SFT /c &c ( byte -: ) #0f AND DUP #09 GTH #27 MUL ADD [ LIT "0 ] ADD #18 DEO JMP2r @ ( str* -: ) LDAk #19 DEO INC2 LDAk ? POP2 JMP2r ( @|assets ) @dict/err-size "File 20 "size 20 "exceeded. 0a $1 @meta $1 ( name ) "Nebu 0a ( desc ) "Spreadsheet 20 "Editor 0a ( auth ) "By 20 "Devine 20 "Lu 20 "Linvega 0a ( date ) "25 20 "Feb 20 "2025 $2 ( fix32.tal ) ( ) ( 32-bit fixed point using 1000 as a denominator. ) ( ) ( LONG FRACTION DECIMAL ) ( 0000 0000 0/1000 0.000 ) ( 0000 0001 1/1000 0.001 ) ( 0000 000a 10/1000 0.010 ) ( 0000 0064 100/1000 0.100 ) ( 0000 00fa 250/1000 0.250 ) ( 0000 01f4 500/1000 0.500 ) ( 0000 03e8 1000/1000 1.000 ) ( 0000 3e80 16000/1000 16.000 ) ( 0001 0000 65536/1000 65.536 ) ( 7fff ffff 2147483647/1000 2147483.647 ) ( 8000 0000 invalid invalid ) ( 8000 0001 -2147483647/1000 -2147483.647 ) ( ffff fc18 -1000/1000 -1.000 ) ( ffff ffff -1/1000 -0.001 ) ( ) ( instead of overflowing operations will saturate ) ( at the maximum/minimum values. ) ( ) ( rounding caused by division will round toward ) ( the nearest even value. for example: ) ( ) ( 0.000 / 2 = 0.000 ) ( 0.001 / 2 = 0.000 ) ( 0.002 / 2 = 0.001 ) ( 0.003 / 2 = 0.002 ) ( 0.004 / 2 = 0.002 ) ( 0.005 / 2 = 0.002 ) ( 0.006 / 2 = 0.003 ) ( 0.007 / 2 = 0.004 ) ( ) ( this is done to prevent numerical bias. it is also ) ( called banker's rounding, or round-half-to-even. ) ( ) ( x/** signifies a 32-bit fixed point value. ) ( x** signfiies a 32-bit value of any kind. ) %DUP4 { OVR2 OVR2 } %POP4 { POP2 POP2 } %POP4r { POP2r POP2r } %POP8 { POP2 POP2 POP2 POP2 } %STH4 { STH2 STH2 } %STH4r { STH2r STH2r } %DENOM16 { #03e8 } %DENOM32 { #0000 #03e8 } ( numerical constants ) ( ) ( to compute a constant, multiply the value you want ) ( by 1000 and take its hex representation. ) ( ) ( example: python -c 'print(hex(round(13.5 * 1000)))' ) %x32-hundredth { #0000 #000a } ( 0.01 ) %x32-tenth { #0000 #0064 } ( 0.1 ) %x32-half { #0000 #01f4 } ( 0.5 ) %x32-one { #0000 #03e8 } ( 1.0 ) %x32-two { #0000 #07d0 } ( 2.0 ) %x32-three { #0000 #0bb8 } ( 3.0 ) %x32-four { #0000 #0fa0 } ( 4.0 ) %x32-five { #0000 #1388 } ( 5.0 ) %x32-ten { #0000 #2710 } ( 10.0 ) %x32-sqrt2 { #0000 #0586 } ( 1.414 ~ sqrt[2] ) %x32-sqrt3 { #0000 #06c4 } ( 1.732 ~ sqrt[3] ) %x32-e { #0000 #0a9e } ( 2.718 ~ e ) %x32-pi/2 { #0000 #0623 } ( 1.571 ~ pi/2 ) %x32-pi { #0000 #0c46 } ( 3.142 ~ pi ) %x32-3pi/2 { #0000 #1268 } ( 4.712 ~ 3pi/2 ) %x32-2pi { #0000 #188b } ( 6.283 ~ 2pi ) @x32-eq ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) !u32-eq @x32-ne ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) !u32-ne @x32-is-zero ( x/** -> bool^ ) !u32-is-zero @x32-non-zero ( x/** -> bool^ ) !u32-non-zero @x32-is-positive ( x/** -> bool^ ) POP2 #8000 LTH2 JMP2r @x32-is-negative ( x/** -> bool^ ) POP2 #7fff GTH2 JMP2r @x32-is-nan ( x/** -> bool^ ) #0000 EQU2 STH #8000 EQU2 STHr AND JMP2r @x32-not-nan ( x/** -> bool^ ) #0000 NEQ2 STH #8000 NEQ2 STHr ORA JMP2r @x32-from-u8 ( x^ -> x/** ) #00 SWP ( >> ) @x32-from-u16 ( x* -> x/** ) #0000 SWP2 ( >> ) @x32-from-u32 ( x** -> x/** ) DENOM32 !u32-mul @x32-from-s8 ( x^ -> x/** ) DUP #80 AND #07 SFT #ff MUL SWP ( >> ) @x32-from-s16 ( x* -> x/** ) DUP2 #8000 AND2 #0f SFT2 #ffff MUL2 SWP2 ( >> ) @x32-from-s32 ( x** -> x/** ) DENOM32 !u32-mul @x32-signed-op ( x** y** f* -> f[x,y]** ) STH2 LIT2r 0001 ( x** y** [f* 0^ 1^] ) OVR2 #8000 LTH2 ?{ u32-negate SWPr } ( x** y** [f* ab*] ) ROT2 STH2 ROT2 STH2r ( y** x** [f* ab*] ) OVR2 #8000 LTH2 ?{ u32-negate SWPr } ( y** x** [f* cd*] ) ROT2 STH2 ROT2 STH2r SWP2r ( x** y** [cd* f*] ) STH2r JSR2 ( f[x,y]** [cd*] ) NIPr STHr ?{ u32-negate } JMP2r ( z** ) @x32-prepare-cmp ( x/** y/** -> x/** y/** xp^ yp^ ) OVR2 #8000 LTH2 ,&yp STR STH4 OVR2 #8000 LTH2 ,&xp STR STH4r LIT2 [ &xp $1 &yp $1 ] JMP2r ( TODO: test these implementations ) @x32-lt-old ( x** y** -> x x ylo? ) GTH2 JMP2r ( ; no, is xhi > yhi? ) } LTH2 #00 EQU JMP2r ( ; yes, is xhi >= yhi? ) @x32-lt ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) x32-prepare-cmp NEQk ?{ POP2 !u32-lt } LTH STH POP8 STHr JMP2r @x32-gt ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) x32-prepare-cmp NEQk ?{ POP2 !u32-gt } GTH STH POP8 STHr JMP2r @x32-lteq ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) x32-prepare-cmp NEQk ?{ POP2 !u32-lteq } LTH STH POP8 STHr JMP2r @x32-gteq ( x/** y/** -> bool^ ) x32-prepare-cmp NEQk ?{ POP2 !u32-gteq } GTH STH POP8 STHr JMP2r ( TODO: support saturation at +/- infinity ) ( TODO: support signed operations ) @x32-add ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) STH4 OVR2 #8000 AND2 ( x** xs* [ylo* yhi*] ) STH2kr #8000 AND2 ( x** xs* ys* [ylo* yhi*] ) EQU2k ?{ POP4 STH4r !u32-add } ( z** xs* ys* [ylo* yhi*] ) POP2 ROT2 ROT2 STH4r ( sign* x** y** ) u32-add ROT2 STH2 ( z** [sign*] ) OVR2 #8000 AND2 STH2kr ( z** zs* sign* [sign*] ) NEQ2 ?{ POP2r JMP2r } ( z** [sign*] ) POP4 POPr STHr ?&negative ( ) #7fff #ffff JMP2r ( 7fff* ffff* ) &negative #8000 #0001 JMP2r ( 8000* 0001* ) @x32-sub ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) u32-negate !x32-add @x32-negate ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) !u32-negate @x32-mul ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) ;x32-mul-unsigned !x32-signed-op ( [x*y]/1000 = floor[x/1000] + [[x%1000]*y]/1000 ) @x32-mul-unsigned ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) STH4 DENOM32 u32-divmod ( q=x/1000** r=x%1000** [ylo* yhi*] ) STH2kr OVR2r STH2r u32-mul ( q** ry** [ylo* yhi*] ) DENOM32 u32-divmod ( q** rq=ry/1000** rr=ry%1000** [ylo* yhi*] ) NIP2 ,&r1 STR2 ( q** rq** [ylo* yhi*] ; <-rr1 ) ROT2 STH2 ROT2 STH2r ( ry/1000** q** [ylo* yhi*] ) STH4r u32-mul ( ry/1000** qy** ) u32-add ( z=qy+ry/1000** ) DUP2 #0001 AND2 STH2 ( z** [odd*] ) #0000 LIT2 [ &r1 $2 ] ( z** rr** [odd*] ) STH2r ADD2 #01f3 ADD2 ( z** rr+odd+499** ) DENOM32 u32-div ( z** b=rr+odd+499/1000** ) !u32-add ( z+b** ) @x32-div ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) ;x32-div-unsigned !x32-signed-op ( [x*1000]/y = floor[x/y]*1000 + [[x%y]*1000]/y ) @x32-div-unsigned ( x/** y/** -> z/** ) STH2k OVR2 STH2 ( x/** y/** [ylo* yhi*] ) u32-divmod ( q=x/y** r=x%y** [ylo* yhi*] ) DENOM32 u32-mul ( q** r1000** [ylo* yhi*] ) STH2kr OVR2r STH2r u32-divmod ( q** rq** rr** [ylo* yhi*] ) ,&r1 STR2 ,&r0 STR2 ( q** rq** ; <-rr0 <-rr1 [ylo* yhi*] ) ROT2 STH2 ROT2 STH2r ( rq** q** [ylo* yhi*] ) DENOM32 u32-mul ( rq** q1000** [ylo* yhi*] ) u32-add ( z=rq+q1000** [ylo* yhi*] ) DUP ,&e STR ( z** ; e<-z3^ [ylo* yhi*] ) LIT2 [ &r0 $2 ] LIT2 [ &r1 $2 ] ( z** rr** [ylo* yhi*] ) LIT [ &e $1 ] #01 AND ( z** rr** e^ ) #00 SWP #0000 SWP2 ( z** rr** e** [ylo* yhi*] ) u32-add ( z** w=rr+e** [ylo* yhi*] ) STH2kr OVR2r STH2r ( z** w** y** [ylo* yhi*] ) #0000 #0001 u32-sub ( z** w** y-1** [ylo* yhi*] ) #01 u32-rshift u32-add ( z** v=w+y-1/2** [ylo* yhi*] ) STH4r u32-div !u32-add ( z+v/y** ) ( print an x32 number to stdout ) @x32-emit ( x/** -> ) ;x32-emit/draw-ch !x32-draw &draw-ch ( c^ -> ) #18 DEO JMP2r @x32-draw-nan ( x/** draw-char* -> ) STH2 POP2 POP2 LIT "n STH2kr JSR2 LIT "a STH2kr JSR2 LIT "n STH2r JMP2 @x32-draw ( x/** draw-char* -> ) STH2 DUP4 x32-not-nan ?{ STH2r !x32-draw-nan } OVR2 #8000 LTH2 ?{ LIT "- STH2kr JSR2 u32-negate } STH2r ( >> ) ( draw an x32 number using the given character-drawing subroutine ) @x32-draw-unsigned ( x/** draw-char* -> ) ,&f STR2 LITr 00 ( x** [0^] ) &loop ( x1** [... count^] ) #0000 #000a u32-divmod ( q** r** ) NIP2 NIP INCr ( q** r^ [... count+1^] ) LIT "0 ADD STH SWPr ( q** [... c^ count+1^] ) STHkr #03 NEQ ?&next ( q** [... c^ count+1^] ) INCr LITr ". SWPr ( q** [... c^ dot^ count+2^] ) &next ( q** [... count+n^ ) DUP4 ( q** q** [... count+n^] ) u32-non-zero ?&loop POP4 ( [... count+n^] ) &pad ( [... count+n^] ) STHkr #04 GTH ?&unroll ( [... count+n^] ) STHkr #03 NEQ ?{ INCr LITr ". SWPr } INCr LITr "0 SWPr !&pad ( [... 0^ count+n+1^] ) &unroll ( [... x0^] ) STHr ( x0^ [...] ) &uloop ( x^ [... z^] ) STHr LIT2 [ &f $2 ] JSR2 ( x^ [...] ; call f[z] ) #01 SUB DUP ?&uloop ( x-1^ [...] ) POP JMP2r ( ) ( returns nan [8000 0000] on error ) @x32-parse ( pos* -> x/** ) ( negate leading - ; ignore leading + ) LDAk LIT "- NEQ ?{ INC2 x32-parse/run !x32-negate } ( pos* ) LDAk LIT "+ NEQ ?{ INC2 !x32-parse/run } ( pos* ) LDAk #00 EQU ?&error0 ( pos* ) &run ( pos* ) ( accumulate on rst ; reverse shorts ) LIT2r 0000 LIT2r 0000 ( pos* [lo* hi*] ) ( trim leading zeros ) &trim LDAk LIT "0 NEQ ?&whole INC2 !&trim ( pos* [lo* hi*] ) ( accumulate whole part ) &whole ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) LDAk #00 EQU ?&whole-done ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) LDAk #2e EQU ?&dot ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) LDAk #30 LTH ?&error1 ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) LDAk #39 GTH ?&error1 ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) LDAk #30 SUB ( pos* digit^ [wlo* whi*] ) #00 SWP #0000 SWP2 STH2r STH2r ( pos* digit** w** ) #0000 #000a u32-mul ( pos* digit** 10w** ) u32-add STH2 STH2 INC2 !&whole ( pos+1* [wlo2* whi2*] ) &whole-done ( pos* [lo* hi*] ) POP2 STH2r STH2r !x32-from-u32 ( res/** ) &dot ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) DUP2 #0004 ADD2 SWP2 ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi*] ) INC2 LIT2r 0000 ( limit* pos+1* [wlo* whi* s*] ) &fraction ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #00 EQU ?&dotend ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #30 LTH ?&error2 ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #39 GTH ?&error2 ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #30 SUB #00 SWP ( limit* pos* digit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LIT2r 000a MUL2r STH2 ADD2r ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* 10s+digit*] ) INC2 GTH2k ?&fraction !&round ( limit* pos+1 [wlo* whi* 10s+digit*] ) &dotend ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LIT2r 000a MUL2r ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* 10s*] ) INC2 GTH2k ?&dotend !&finish ( limit* pos+1* [wlo* whi* 10s*] ) &round ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #00 EQU ?&finish ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #30 LTH ?&error2 ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #39 GTH ?&error2 ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) LDAk #30 SUB #00 SWP ( limit* limit* digit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) STH2kr #0001 AND2 ADD2 ( limit* limit* digit+odd* [wlo* whi* s*] ) #0004 ADD2 #000a DIV2 ( limit* limit* rnd* [wlo* whi* s*] ) STH2 ADD2r ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s+rnd*] ) &finish ( limit* limit* [wlo* whi* s*] ) POP2 POP2 #0000 STH2r ( s/** [wlo* whi*] ) STH2r STH2r x32-from-u32 ( s/** w/** ) !x32-add ( res/** ) &error2 ( limit* pos* [wlo* whi* s*] ) POP2r POP2 ( limit* [wlo* whi*] ) &error1 ( pos* [wlo* whi*] ) POP4r ( pos* ) &error0 POP2 #8000 #0000 JMP2r ( 8000 0000 ) ( math32.tal ) ( ) ( This library supports arithmetic on 32-bit unsigned integers, ) ( also known as long values. ) ( ) ( 32-bit long values are represented by two 16-bit short values: ) ( ) ( decimal hexadecimal uxn literals ) ( 0 0x00000000 #0000 #0000 ) ( 1 0x00000001 #0000 #0001 ) ( 4660 0x00001234 #0000 #1234 ) ( 65535 0x0000ffff #0000 #ffff ) ( 65536 0x00010000 #0001 #0000 ) ( 16777215 0x00ffffff #00ff #ffff ) ( 4294967295 0xffffffff #ffff #ffff ) ( ) ( The most significant 16-bit, the "high bits", are stored first. ) ( We document long values as x** -- equivalent to xhi* xlo*. ) ( ) ( Operations supported: ) ( ) ( NAME STACK EFFECT DEFINITION ) ( u32-add x** y** -> z** x + y ) ( u32-sub x** y** -> z** x - y ) ( u32-mul x** y** -> z** x * y ) ( u32-mul16 x* y* -> z** x * y ) ( u32-div x** y** -> q** x / y ) ( u32-mod x** y** -> r** x % y ) ( u32-divmod x** y** -> q** r** x / y, x % y ) ( u32-gcd x** y** -> z** gcd[x, y] ) ( u32-negate x** -> z** -x ) ( u32-lshift x** n^ -> z** x< z** x>>n ) ( u32-and x** y** -> z** x & y ) ( u32-or x** y** -> z** x | y ) ( u32-xor x** y** -> z** x ^ y ) ( u32-complement x** -> z** ) ( u32-eq x** y** -> bool^ x == y ) ( u32-ne x** y** -> bool^ x != y ) ( u32-is-zero x** -> bool^ x == 0 ) ( u32-non-zero x** -> bool^ x != 0 ) ( u32-lt x** y** -> bool^ x < y ) ( u32-gt x** y** -> bool^ x > y ) ( u32-lteq x** y** -> bool^ x <= y ) ( u32-gteq x** y** -> bool^ x >= y ) ( u8-bitcount x^ -> bool^ floor[log2[x]]+1 ) ( u16-bitcount x* -> bool^ floor[log2[x]]+1 ) ( u32-bitcount x** -> bool^ floor[log2[x]]+1 ) ( ) ( bitcount: number of bits needed to represent the number. ) ( this is equivalent to floor[log2[x]] + 1 ) @u8-bitcount ( x^ -> n^ ) LITr 00 &loop DUP ?{ POP STHr JMP2r } #01 SFT INCr !&loop @u16-bitcount ( x* -> n^ ) LITr 00 &loop ORAk ?{ POP2 STHr JMP2r } #01 SFT2 INCr !&loop @u32-bitcount ( x** -> n^ ) SWP2 u16-bitcount DUP ?{ POP !u16-bitcount } #10 NIP2 ADD JMP2r ( -- equality ) ( x == y ) @u32-eq ( xhi* xlo* yhi* ylo* -> bool^ ) ROT2 EQU2 STH EQU2 STHr AND JMP2r ( x != y ) @u32-ne ( xhi* xlo* yhi* ylo* -> bool^ ) ROT2 NEQ2 STH NEQ2 STHr ORA JMP2r ( x == 0 ) @u32-is-zero ( x** -> bool^ ) ORA2 #0000 EQU2 JMP2r ( x != 0 ) @u32-non-zero ( x** -> bool^ ) ORA2 ORA JMP2r ( -- comparisons ) ( x < y ) @u32-lt ( x** y** -> bool^ ) ROT2 SWP2 LTH2 ?{ LTH2 JMP2r } GTH2 #00 EQU JMP2r ( x <= y ) @u32-lteq ( x** y** -> bool^ ) ROT2 SWP2 GTH2 ?{ GTH2 #00 EQU JMP2r } LTH2 JMP2r ( x > y ) @u32-gt ( x** y** -> bool^ ) ROT2 SWP2 GTH2 ?{ GTH2 JMP2r } LTH2 #00 EQU JMP2r ( x > y ) @u32-gteq ( x** y** -> bool^ ) ROT2 SWP2 LTH2 ?{ LTH2 #00 EQU JMP2r } GTH2 JMP2r ( -- bitwise operations ) ( x & y ) @u32-and ( xhi* xlo* yhi* ylo* -> xhi&yhi* xlo&ylo* ) ROT2 AND2 STH2 AND2 STH2r JMP2r ( x | y ) @u32-or ( xhi* xlo* yhi* ylo* -> xhi|yhi* xlo|ylo* ) ROT2 ORA2 STH2 ORA2 STH2r JMP2r ( x ^ y ) @u32-xor ( xhi* xlo* yhi* ylo* -> xhi^yhi* xlo^ylo* ) ROT2 EOR2 STH2 EOR2 STH2r JMP2r ( ) @u32-complement ( x** -> ~xlo* ) SWP2 #ffff EOR2 SWP2 #ffff EOR2 JMP2r ( -- bit-shifting ) ( x >> n ) @u32-rshift ( x** n^ -> x>>n ) DUP #08 LTH ?u32-shift-0 ( x n ) DUP #10 LTH ?u32-rshift-1 ( x n ) DUP #18 LTH ?u32-rshift-2 ( x n ) !u32-rshift-3 ( x n ) ( shift by 0-7 bits; used by both lshift and rshift ) @u32-shift-0 ( x** n^ -> x>>n ) STH DUP2 STHkr SFT2 ,&z2 STR2 POP DUP2 STHkr SFT2 ,&z2 LDR ORA ,&z2 STR ,&z1 STR POP STHr SFT2 ,&z1 LDR ORA ,&z1 STR LIT [ &z1 $1 ] LIT2 [ &z2 $2 ] JMP2r ( shift right by 8-15 bits ) @u32-rshift-1 ( x** n^ -> x>>n ) #08 SUB STH ( stash [n>>8] ) POP DUP2 STHkr SFT2 ,&z2 STR2 POP STHr SFT2 ,&z2 LDR ORA ,&z2 STR #00 SWP LIT2 [ &z2 $2 ] JMP2r ( shift right by 16-23 bits ) @u32-rshift-2 ( x** n^ -> x>>n ) #10 SUB STH ( stash [n>>16] ) POP2 STHr SFT2 #0000 SWP2 JMP2r ( shift right by 16-23 bits ) @u32-rshift-3 ( x** n^ -> x>>n ) #18 SUB STH ( stash [n>>24] ) POP2 POP STH SWPr SFTr #00 #0000 STHr JMP2r ( x << n ) @u32-lshift ( x** n^ -> x< x< x< x< x< zhi* zlo* ) ROT2 STH2k ADD2 STH2k ROT2 ROT2 GTH2r #00 STHr ADD2 ADD2 SWP2 JMP2r ( -x ) @u32-negate ( x** -> -x** ) u32-complement INC2 ORAk ?{ SWP2 INC2 SWP2 } JMP2r ( x - y ) @u32-sub ( x** y** -> z** ) ROT2 STH2k SWP2 SUB2 STH2k ROT2 ROT2 LTH2r #00 STHr ADD2 SUB2 SWP2 JMP2r ( 16-bit multiplication ) @u32-mul16 ( x* y* -> z** ) ,&y1 STR ,&y0 STR ( save ylo, yhi ) ,&x1 STR ,&x0 STR ( save xlo, xhi ) #0000 ,&z1 STR ,&w0 STR ( reset z1 and w0 ) ( x1 * y1 => z1z2 ) LIT2 00 [ &x1 $1 ] LIT2 00 [ &y1 $1 ] MUL2 ,&z3 STR ,&z2 STR ( x0 * y1 => z0z1 ) #00 ,&x0 LDR #00 ,&y1 LDR MUL2 ,&z1 LDR2 ADD2 ,&z1 STR2 ( x1 * y0 => w1w2 ) #00 ,&x1 LDR #00 ,&y0 LDR MUL2 ,&w2 STR ,&w1 STR ( x0 * y0 => w0w1 ) LIT2 00 [ &x0 $1 ] LIT2 00 [ &y0 $1 ] MUL2 ,&w0 LDR2 ADD2 ,&w0 STR2 ( add z and a<<8 ) #00 LIT2 [ &z1 $1 &z2 $1 ] LIT [ &z3 $1 ] LIT2 [ &w0 $1 &w1 $1 ] LIT [ &w2 $1 ] #00 !u32-add ( x * y ) @u32-mul ( x** y** -> z** ) ROT2k ( x0* x1* y0* y1* y0* y1* x1* ) u32-mul16 ,&z1 STR2 ,&z0 STR2 POP2 ( x0* x1* y0* y1* ; sum = [x1*y1] ) STH2 ROT2 STH2 ( x1* y0* [y1* x0*] ) MUL2r MUL2 STH2r ADD2 ( x1*y0+y1*x0* ) ( [x0*y0]<<32 will completely overflow ) LIT2 [ &z0 $2 ] ADD2 ( sum += [x0*y1+x1*y0]<<16 ) LIT2 [ &z1 $2 ] JMP2r ( x / y ) @u32-div ( x** y** -> q** ) z_u32-divmod ;z_u32-divmod/quo0 LDA2 ;z_u32-divmod/quo1 LDA2 JMP2r ( x % y ) @u32-mod ( x** y** -> r** ) z_u32-divmod ;z_u32-divmod/rem0 LDA2 ;z_u32-divmod/rem1 LDA2 JMP2r ( x / y, x % y ) @u32-divmod ( x** y** -> q** r** ) z_u32-divmod ;z_u32-divmod/quo0 LDA2 ;z_u32-divmod/quo1 LDA2 ;z_u32-divmod/rem0 LDA2 ;z_u32-divmod/rem1 LDA2 JMP2r ( private: calculate and store x / y and x % y ) @z_u32-divmod ( x** y** -> ) ( ; store y and x for repeated use ) #0000 DUP2 ,&quo0 STR2 ,&quo1 STR2 ( x** y** ; quo<-0 ) STH2k ,&div1 STR2 STH2k ,&div0 STR2 ( x** [ylo* yhi*] ; div<-y ) OVR2 OVR2 ,&rem1 STR2 ,&rem0 STR2 ( x** [ylo* yhi*] ; rem<-x ) OVR2 OVR2 STH2r STH2r ( x** x** y** ) OVR2 OVR2 STH2 STH2 ( x** x** y** [ylo* yhi*] ) u32-gteq ?{ POP2 POP2 POP2r POP2r JMP2r } ( x** [ylo* yhi*] ; return if x < y ) ( ; bitcount[x] - bitcount[y] determines largest multiple of y to try ) u32-bitcount STH2r STH2r u32-bitcount SUB ( shift=rbits-dits^ ) #00 DUP2 ( shift^ 0^ shift^ 0^ ) #0000 INC2k ROT2 POP ( shift^ 0^ 0* 1* shift^ ) u32-lshift ,&cur1 STR2 ,&cur0 STR2 ( shift^ 0^ ; cur<-1<= cur [current divisor], we can subtract it and add to quotient ) ( ; otherwise, skip that iteration and reduce cur. ) LIT2 [ &rem0 $2 ] LIT2 [ &rem1 $2 ] ,&div0 LDR2 ,&div1 LDR2 u32-lt ?{ ( ; since rem >= div, we have found a multiple of y that divides x ) ,&rem0 LDR2 ,&rem1 LDR2 ( rem** ) LIT2 [ &div0 $2 ] LIT2 [ &div1 $2 ] ( rem** div** ) u32-sub ,&rem1 STR2 ,&rem0 STR2 ( ; rem<-rem-div** ) LIT2 [ &quo0 $2 ] LIT2 [ &quo1 $2 ] ( quo** ) LIT2 [ &cur0 $2 ] LIT2 [ &cur1 $2 ] ( quo** cur** ) u32-add ,&quo1 STR2 ,&quo0 STR2 ( ; quo<-quo+cur** ) } ,&div0 LDR2 ,&div1 LDR2 #01 u32-rshift ( div>>1** ) ,&div1 STR2 ,&div0 STR2 ( ; div<-div>>1 ) ,&cur0 LDR2 ,&cur1 LDR2 #01 u32-rshift ( cur>>1** ) OVR2 OVR2 ,&cur1 STR2 ,&cur0 STR2 ( cur>>1** ; cur<-cur>>1 ) u32-non-zero ?&loop JMP2r ( ; loop if cur>0, else we're done ) ( greatest common divisor - euclidean algorithm ) @u32-gcd ( x** y** -> z** ) &loop OVR2 OVR2 u32-is-zero ?{ ( x** y** ) OVR2 OVR2 STH2 STH2 ( x** y** [y**] ) u32-mod ( r=x%y** [y**] ) STH2r ROT2 ROT2 ( yhi* rhi* rlo* [ylo*] ) STH2r ROT2 ROT2 !&loop ( y** r** ) } POP2 POP2 JMP2r ( z** ) ( Assets ) @fill-icn [ ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ] @hash-icn [ aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 ] @diag-icn [ 1122 4488 1122 4488 1122 4488 1122 4488 ] @dotted-icn [ 8800 2200 8800 2200 8800 2200 8800 2200 ] @arrow-icn [ 0000 0000 80c0 e0f0 e0c0 8000 0000 0000 ] @mouse-icn [ 80c0 e0f0 f8fc feff f8d8 8c0c 0606 0000 ] @line-icn [ aa00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ] @check-icn [ aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 aa55 ] @header &left-icn [ 0000 007e 007e 007e 007e 007e 007e 0000 ] &middle-icn [ 0000 00ff 00ff 00ff 00ff 00ff 00ff 0000 ] &right-icn [ 0000 00fe 00fe 00fe 00fe 00fe 00fe 0000 ] &border-chr [ 00ff 0000 0000 0000 ff00 0000 0000 0000 ] &close-icn [ 0000 00ff 8080 8080 8080 8080 80ff 0000 0000 00ef 202f 202f 202f 202f 20ef 0000 0000 00ff 84a4 9580 f180 95a4 84ff 0000 0000 00ef 20af 202f e02f 20af 20ef 0000 ] @frame-icns [ ff80 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 8080 ff00 0000 0000 0000 ] &rx [ 0080 0080 0080 0080 ] &ry [ 5500 0000 0000 0000 ] @chicago/widths 0000 0000 0000 0000 0008 0000 0000 0000 000b 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