Using stack effect definitions in Uxntal.
The Uxntal notation follows that of the Forth programming language, where each item on the left of the -- spacer is the state of the stack before, and to the right, the state of the stack after:
@routine ( a b -- a b c ) ADDk JMP2r
By default, single items are a byte long, and shorts are indicated with a * suffix, the order in which they appear is the order of the stack with the top item to the right:
@routine ( a b* -- b* a ) ROT JMP2r
If a routine is a vector, it uses the arrow notation.
@on-event ( -> ) BRK
If a specific item on the stack needs to be explicit about it being a pointer that needs to be unquoted, the concatenative notation is written within curlies.
@routine ( {fn}* -- ) JMP2
If a routine returns a -1 for failure, the value is within angulars.
@routine ( name* -- <res>* ) JMP2
In some rare cases, an item is passed to a routine via the return stack, in this case it is prefixed with the ` character indicates items in the return stack to its right. The return address is omitted from the stack effect notation.
@routine ( a* `b* -- ) POP2 POP2r JMP2r
- Struct labels are capitalized.
- Source is indented with tabulators.
- Comments that should be on their own line begin with a ( | pipe ).
- Routines that consume all their arguments from the stack are <wrapped> inside angle brackets.
- Subroutines without an arity definition will be inlined
- Tokens inside square brackets will be formatted as blocks of binary data.
- The zero-page is indicated by |000, the one-page is indicated by |100.
- Nesting routines are indicated by &>loop.
Further notation is available for program verification.

Using program validation in Uxntal.
Type inference in Uxntal is done by checking the stack effect notation of words, against the sum of stack changes predicted to occur based on the items in their bodies.
- ( a -- b ) Untyped
- ( a -: b ) Typed routine
- ( a -> b ) Typed vector
Words that do not pass the stack-checker are generating a warning, and so essentially this defines a very basic and permissive type system that nevertheless catches some invalid programs and enables compiler optimizations.
@routine ( a b -: c ) Ok. MUL JMP2r
The simplest case is when a piece of code does not have any branches or
recursion, and merely pushes literals and calls words. Pushing a literal has
stack effect ( -- x )
. The stack effect of most words is always
known statically from the declaration.
@add ( a* b* -- c* ) Warning: Imbalance in @add of +2 DUP2 ADD2 JMP2r
Branch Validation
A word calling a subroutine that would force an exit of the parent routine with an imbalanced stack also triggers an error.
@routine ( a b -: c ) Warning: Imbalance in @routine of +1 EQUk ?&sub-routine POP2 #0a JMP2r &sub-routine ( a b -: c* ) POP2 #000b JMP2r
Return-Stack Passing
The following example shows some extra syntax where stack elements passed through the return stack are separated with a pipe:
@wcpy ( src* des* -: cap* ) Ok. STH2 &w ( src* `des* -: cap* ) LDAk STH2kr STA INC2r INC2 LDAk #20 GTH ?&w POP2 ( cap ) #00 STH2kr STA INC2r STH2r JMP2r
Each jump label must be defined for a routine's body to validate with the arity checker, but labels can also be used anywhere in a routine to test against a specific arity in time, like you would a breakpoint.
Fall-through Type
The fall-through comment allows to validate a tail-less routine(or, that does not return or break), by including the stack effect of the following routine in memory.
@falling ( a b c -: c ) Ok. POP ( >> ) @next-routine ( a b -: res ) ADD JMP2r
More research has to be done in this space, but it would be interesting to check a routine's side-effects by making sure that no ST/LD/DE opcodes can be reached.
Runtime Validation
Lastly, a runtime specific solution to validate the stack state at any one point during the execution of a program, is to read the System/wst port and compare it against a given stack pointer byte value. Note: that the value in the wst and rst ports include the stack pointer byte.
@on-reset ( -> ) #abcd DUP2 .System/wst DEI #05 EQU ?{ #01 .System/debug DEO } BRK
- Uxnbal, Source
incoming uxntal syntax uxntal syntax uxntal types uxnfor drifblim