#include <stdio.h> /* Copyright (c) 2025 Devine Lu Linvega Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE. */ typedef struct Neuron { char *name; int alive, inhibited, threshold, saturation; int excilen, inhilen; struct Neuron *exci[0x10], *inhi[0x10]; } Neuron; static char dict[0x2000], *_dict = dict; static Neuron net[0x200], *_net = net; static Neuron *live[0x200], **_live = live; static int wcompare(char *s, char *name) { char *_s = s, *_n = name; while(*_s == *_n && *_n != '/') _s++, _n++; return (*_s == '*' || *_s == '/') && *_n == 0; } static char * wrewind(char *s) { char c; while((c = *(--s)) && c > 0x20) if(c == '*' || c == ':' || c == ';') break; return ++s; } static Neuron * nfind(char *s) { char *name; Neuron *n = net; /* Anonymous neuron */ if(s[0] == '*') { _net->name = &dict[0]; return _net++; } /* Search Neuron */ while(n < _net) { if(wcompare(s, n->name)) return n; n++; } /* Create Neuron */ name = _dict; while(*s != '*' && *s != '/') *_dict++ = s[0], s++; *_dict++ = 0; _net->name = name; if(*s == '/') _net->threshold = s[1] - '0', _net->alive = 1; return _net++; } static void nconnect(Neuron **lhs, Neuron **_lhs, Neuron **rhs, Neuron **_rhs, int inhibitor) { Neuron **_l = lhs; int threshold = _lhs - _l; while(_l < _lhs) { Neuron **_r = rhs, *n = *_l++; while(_r < _rhs) { Neuron *nn = *_r++; if(inhibitor) n->inhi[n->inhilen++] = nn; else n->exci[n->excilen++] = nn; if(!nn->alive) nn->threshold = threshold, nn->alive = 1; } } } static void parse(char *src) { char c; int inhibitor = 0, depth = 0; Neuron *lhs[0x20], **_lhs = lhs, *rhs[0x20], **_rhs = rhs, *_n = _net; *_dict++ = '*', *_dict++ = 0; while((c = *src)) { if(c == '*') { if(depth & 1) *_rhs = nfind(wrewind(src)), _rhs++; else *_lhs = nfind(wrewind(src)), _lhs++; } else if(c == ':' || c == ';') { if(depth++) { if(depth & 1) nconnect(rhs, _rhs, lhs, _lhs, inhibitor), _rhs = rhs; else nconnect(lhs, _lhs, rhs, _rhs, inhibitor), _lhs = lhs; } inhibitor = c == ';'; } else if(c == '.') { if(!depth) { Neuron **_l = lhs; while(_l < _lhs) { if((*_l)->alive == 0) (*_l)->threshold = 1; (*_l)->alive = 2, _l++; } } else if(depth & 1) nconnect(lhs, _lhs, rhs, _rhs, inhibitor); else nconnect(rhs, _rhs, lhs, _lhs, inhibitor); _lhs = lhs, _rhs = rhs, inhibitor = depth = 0; } src++; } /* initialize live neurons */ while(_n < _net) { if(_n->alive == 2) *_live++ = _n; _n++; } } static int step(int count) { Neuron **_l = live; Neuron *excited[0x200], **_excited = excited, **_e = excited; Neuron *dirty[0x200], **_dirty = dirty, **_d = dirty; /* saturate */ printf("%02d ", count); while(_l < _live) { Neuron *n = *_l; int i; printf("%s/%d ", n->name, n->threshold); if(!n->threshold) *_excited++ = n; for(i = 0; i < n->inhilen; i++) { Neuron *nn = n->inhi[i]; nn->inhibited = 1, *_dirty++ = nn; } for(i = 0; i < n->excilen; i++) { Neuron *nn = n->exci[i]; if(!nn->inhibited) { nn->saturation++, *_dirty++ = nn; if(nn->saturation == nn->threshold) *_excited++ = nn; } } _l++; } printf("\n"); /* respond */ _live = live; while(_e < _excited) { if(!(*_e)->inhibited) *_live++ = *_e; _e++; } /* clean */ while(_d < _dirty) (*_d)->saturation = 0, (*_d)->inhibited = 0, _d++; return _live != live; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *f; int a = 1, t = 0; char src[0x20000]; if(argc < 2) return !printf("Neur Graph, 8 Feb 2025.\nusage: neur [-i] input.neu [arguments..]\n"); if(argv[a][0] == '-' && argv[a][1] == 'i') a++; if(!(f = fopen(argv[a], "r"))) return !printf("Source missing: %s\n", argv[a]); if(!fread(&src, 1, 0x20000, f)) return !printf("Source empty: %s\n", argv[a]); parse(src), fclose(f); while(step(t++) && t < 0x30); return 0; }