Doredofado resol remiresol dosolfasi
Doredofado resol remiresol dosolfasi17W12

The words in Solresol consist of sequences of notes.

Invented by Jean-François Sudre, Solresol is an artificial language based on the seven syllables of Music(do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si). There are no specific pronunciation rules beyond the standard readings of the solfège.

Due to each syllable being fairly distinct, they may be pronounced in almost any way the reader prefers, but it is necessary to leave a brief pause between words so that each word remains clearly separate. It is absolutely unnecessary to be familiar with music to learn and to speak this language.

The language is made of permutations of the 7 syllables, but before we get into words, let's begin with the elementary particles of one note:

Modern Symmetrical Unary(7)
Solfège French IPA English IPA Meaning
Do /do/ /doʊ/ no
Re /ʁɛ/ /ɹeɪ/ and, also
Mi /mi/ /miː/ or
Fa /fa/ /fɑː/ at, to
Sol /sɔl/ /soʊl/ but, if
La /la/ /lɑː/ the, then, by
Si /si/ /siː/ yes

The following table presents the Modern Symmetrical dialect of Sudre's original binary terms, in which the inversion of syllables in any binary word means something akin to its opposite as outlined in the original Solresol documents. This is the variance of Solresol used in the novel Wiktopher, in which words of 2 notes are used for pronouns, common particles and those with repeated syllables are tenses:

Modern Symmetrical Binary(49)
-do -re -mi -fa -sol -la -si
Do- (past) I, me you(sing.) they(sing.) we you(plur.) they(plur.)
Re- my, mine (pluperfect) who? when? more known even, fair
Mi- your(sing.) what? (future) how? well(adv) near, here late, evening, night
Fa- their(sing.) where? which? (conditional) every positive much, very
Sol- our less ill(adv) none (imperative) always thanks
La- your(plur.) unknown far, there negative never (present participle) affectionate, with, inside
Si- their(plur.) uneven, unfair early, morning, day few, scarcely sorry formal, without, outside (passive participle)

In modern Solresol, pronouns do not change depending on gender. The definitions of sila and lasi are part of an honorifics system inspired by what is used in Japanese; both are gender-neutral titles, one to be respectful, and one to be affectionate.

A unique feature of words of two and three syllables is that their meanings can be inverted by reversing the syllables in the word, making palindromes(words that are read the same in either directions) their own category of words dedicated to words with meanings that may not be unambiguously reversed. For instance fala means good or tasty, and lafa means bad. Here are some examples:

misol kind solmi mean
solla always lasol never
fasi much, very sifa little, scarcely
misisol good fortune solsimi misfortune
solsifa laugh fasisol weep, sob
simila ease lamisi difficulty


There are 14 core reversible verbs in Modern Solresol, they have the unique particularity that their syllables are sequential. These are more akin to auxiliary verbs in English as they specify a relationship between the subject and the object of the sentence.

Verbs are created by association of concepts with relationships:


To keep sentences clear, especially with the possibility of information loss while communicating, certain parts of speech follow a strict word order. Adjectives always follow the noun they modify. Indirect objects always come after the verb. Tenses always precede verbs. Pronouns are usually omitted unless a specification is must be made, as in "In regards to you".

Affirmative statements are indicated by moving the possessive personal pronoun after the qualifier:

Questions are indicated by placing the subject of the sentence after the verb instead of before the verb.

Negation is indicated by placing do before the word to be negated and is not repeated unnecessarily.

Modality is indicated by using fasi before an adjective for the augmentative and after an adjective for the superlative. It is the same for substantives. Placed before an adjective, sifa is diminutive, and placed after an adjective is the further diminutive.

Solresol drawing by Rek Bellum, original
character by Elemenopi


Numbers can be represented as binary sequences of do and si, prefixed with fala for positive numbers, and lafa for negative numbers. Here are the numbers zero to fifteen in clusters of 4 bits, or a nibble.


Fractional parts are indicated by re. To express an empty cluster, the particle sol is used, the length of the cluster is equal to the others, if a number padded with 4 , then the sol particle is equal to multiplying a previous number by 256.

Proper Nouns

Sudre originally drafted a phonetic alphabet, but had no examples of its usage, and the little that was described outlined a very cumbersome system. Someone on the Sidosi forum suggested a system similar to Katakanas in which syllables may can combined to create a secondary set of syllables, while it still falls short of supporting the majority of sounds needed to borrow words from other languages, it might be of practical consideration for approximating some additional sounds.

redo = ro remi = ri rela = ra
dore = de dofa = da dosi = di
mire = me mido = mo mifa = ma
fare = fe fado = fo fasi = fi
lare = le lado = lo lasi = li
sire = se sido = so sila = sa



Two people facing each other at a distance, can communicate using the stenographic symbols in such a way that only they can see them. In this manner, a prisoner can, through the bars of the window, express thoughts to the outside world, and vice-versa. One can make use of Solresol at sea, to communicate from one ship to another, or from a ship to a seaport, or vice-versa, and again in many ways: By displaying from a distance enlarged versions of the stenographic signs or the first seven numbers hollowed out and illuminated, if at night. Or, by displaying bright lanterns or fires of the 7 colors.



The Shavian alphabet was originally a constructed alphabet conceived as a way to provide phonemic orthography for the English language. It conveniently includes glyphs to match Vincent Gajewski's stenography based on the Curwen hand shapes.

do remifasollasi
Shavian 𐑴𐑦𐑵𐑳𐑯𐑤𐑨
Ascii oln7zcj

An alphabet to match Solresol's unique characteristics utilizes the similarity of specific glyphs and hand gestures that represent each sound. The following works by accenting letters based on their chromatic distance from the next, so that in every two syllables, the second sound is present merely as an accent to the first.

dore faremi, dorefa remi

This plays on the particularity of Solresol of being written entirely with only 7 characters, so that with 3 diacritics(the dot, the line, and circumflex) placed above a letter to represent the distance of a higher note(+1, +2, +3), and below for a lower note(-1, -2, -3); each word can be written in only as few strokes that is required and rival the density of natural languages.

mifare, solsol remisifa fasi


To communicate to a deaf-mute, one can take the hand of a blind person and alternately press the fingers, as in the mute Universal Language. One can see that the three extended fingers replace the three lines of the musical scale. For the repeated notes, one makes the same sign two times with the hand.

Curwen hand signs often go along with solfa scale. These provides a movement to go along with the pitch that we're singing. Moving our bodies at the same time as singing, and thinking and using our voices gives us another way to understand what we're doing. It engages another part of our brains, which means that we work more actively and understand what we're doing.

Ternary Solrela

The following common words are ordered according to the permutations of the Solfege, the ternary table aims to cover most basic words, if the following dictionary can be made clearer, please get in touch with your suggestions! The original religious terms were replaced as per this document and the following categories:

Non-ReversibleTriples(7)rererePhonetic Spelling
Palindromes(42)milamiCounters, Units, Sets
ReversibleDoubles(84)refafaSpecial Names

Sudre's original categorization of words by first syllable is altogether incompatible with its concept of reversibility and too arbitrary to be used consistently(at least for the ternary dictionary), and so the original philosophical taxonomy is ignored in favor of the slightly more predictable association of concepts by syllabic inversion.

The positive member of a word set is kept above the mirror line whenever possible. Sudre's original meanings are written to the right of each row.

Modern Symmetrical Ternary(343) Sudre
dododododonote "Do" itself
redoredotime, entropy, distribution
doremito be, to become day
midomidouniverse, creation
domireinfinity, unlimited, endless, undefined, immensity, unbounded, immeasurable
domifasolution, solver, answer providence, welfare
domisolhealth god, supreme being
domilaeternize, perpetuate, eternal, eternity
domisiimmortalize, immortal, indestructible, imperishable
fadofadonumber, countmajesty, grandeur, magnitude
dofarelook at, stare, focussupreme, sovreign
dofamiagreement magnificence, splendor, superb
dofasolmarvel, wonder
dofalamiracle, supernatural, miraculous
dofasiadore, worship
soldosoldonature, abundance pray
dosolfaawakeholy virgin
dosollapencil, marker, drawing, writingreligion
ladoladolength, distancecharity
dolarephilanthropy, philanthropist
dolamidespise, contempt, contemptuous
dolafasympathize, pity, compassion
dolasolinexcusable, unforgivable
dolasiincomparable, invaluable, unparalleled, without equal
sidosidomass help, assist
dosiresupport, base
dosimimerit, be worthy of, laudable, praised unfaithful
dosifaaccomplish, fulfill
dosisolduty, obligation
dosilato go, to travel noble, pride, dignity
redoredodoone, unit
redomiloathe, repugnance, repulsive
redofamoral, morally, moralize
redosolbe aquainted customs
redolaproverb, maxim
redosito act, to change honorable, venerable
rererenote "Re" itself
miremidolimit, confine, border, circumscribe
remire?? merit
remimitwo, secondly
remifato send, to give benevolence
remisolfood, sustenance alms, charity
remilagive, gift, present
remisiinexplicable, indefinable, incomprehensible, inconceiveable, enigmatic
farefadolook away, evade, distraction notably, fame
refare?? dignities, honors
refamidisplease, unpleasant, uncomfortable
refafathird, thirdly
refasolto keep, to preserve indelible
refalaask, privilege, prerogative
refasianswer, reply, respond qualify, rights
solresoldodoubt, skepticism, skeptical
resolrecurrent, power, amplitude mistake, error
resolmileave, come out of heresy
resolfato leave atheist
resollapay, materialism, materialistic, materialize
resolsidiscourage, discouragement, tedious
lareladomisanthropy, misanthrope
relare?? antagonize, inconvenience
relamidistrust, suspect, beware, skittish
relafaunable, impossible, impracticable, impossibility
relasolintolerance, severity, rigorism, inflexible, rigid
relasisolid, hard regret, repent
siresidomistreat, bully, maltreatment, brutality, rudeness
resirefrequency tough, hard
resimispite, bad mood/attitude, sulky, grumpiness, cantankerous, recalcitrant
resisolto be sad, sadness, gloom, melancholy, sad
resilabored, boredom
midoresympathy, inclination, sympathize, take pleasure
midomiattraction attract
midofaprefer, like the most
midosoladmire trinity
midolareciprocity, mutuality, respective, vice versa
midosifond of, attached, be attached to, friend, friendly, take to
remiredoto have, to host love eachother
miremiappearance beloved, darling
miresolacknowledge, gratitude, recognition, be grateful
mireladevote, focus, devote oneself, dedication
miresilink, bond, chain, fasten
mimiminote "Mi" itself
famifadodisagreement agreement
mifareplease, like, pleasant, seductive
mifamismell sigh
mifasolto hold, to take raise, elevate
mifaladesire, wish, want, desirous
mifasiincorrigible, unable to be corrected
solmisoldothe Come the holy spirit
misolreenter the grace of god
misolmitaste sweetness, pleasant
misolfabenevolence, affability, goodwill, amiability, kindness, kind, pleasant
misollaequal, equality, equally
misolsicandidate, volunteer, available kind, pleasant
lamiladoappraise, estimate, consider
milareconfide, confidence
milamiforce passion
milafaidolize, dote on, idolatry
milasollove (for things)
milasilove, cherish, lover, enamored
simisidoshameful, dishonorable, ignominious fidelity, faithfulness
misireto last, durable, stability, permanent, duration
misimipressure, resistance engagement
misifamarry, marriage, husband, wife, spouse
misisolto be lucky, luck, fortune, fortunate, lucky, fortunately, luckily
misilaenjoy, enjoyment, pleasure, delirium, intoxicated, drunk
fadoreimmoral, immorality, without principles
fadomiletter (mail), missive, epistle
fadofadate, era
fadosolto sign, signature
fadolastamp, seal
fadosiend, complete, finish, final, finally, termination, achieve
refaredocontact, address, send a letter
faremito be
farefavelocity go, proceed
faresollengthen, extend, extension, elongation
farelamail, post, post office
faresiinexactitude, inaccuracy, inexact
mifamidoproblem, puzzle, mission, quest free, exempt
famireto receive evil, wicked
famifaorientation stamp
famisolto own
familapostman, courier
famisimeaning, signal, advice carry, bring
fafafanote "Fa" itself
solfasoldoasleep cause
fasolreto come theism
fasolmimalice, unkindness, ill will, disparaging, malignancy
fasolfabehavior act, conduct
fasollato combine, to unify do, make, action
fasolsiprepare, make ready, preparation
lafaladoto have
falareable, can, may, possible, practicability
falamimeans, resources, by means of, via
falafaarea, size, space, volume understand, intellect
falasoldisfavor, disrepute, disgrace
falasitrend, tendency, inclination to, disposition
sifasidowalk, step walk, step
fasireinformation, inquire, investigate
fasimidivorce, disown, repudiate, unmarry
fasifa?? want
fasisolcry, weep, sob, tears
fasiladecide, determine, resolve, decision, resolution
soldosoldodoJuly sunday
soldorecopy, transcribe, transcription
soldomiimitate, forge, mimic, emulate, counterfeit
soldofaexample, model, type
soldosol?? translate
soldolacomment, commentary, commentator
soldositradition, traditionally, traditional
resolredoimply, implied
solrereweek the past, former
solremiingratitude, disregarding, ungrateful
solrefashorten, abbreviate, concise, terse, succinct, brief
solresolcategory, language, word, philology
solreladictionary, vocabulary, glossary
solresiirregularity, anomaly, irregular
misolmidosickness satan, devil
solmirepoison ??
solmimimonth now, the present
solmifato want, to crave article
solmisolcomplexity pronoun
solmilaremember, recollection, commemorate, memorial, souvenir
solmisicomplicate, complication, make difficult
fasolfadoneutral, neutrality
solfareto loose, to remove
solfamito move, to give lower, diminish
solfafayear the future
solfasol?? intimidate
solfalaallow, enable, let, help
solfasiimpatient, irritable, impatience, chafe
solsolsolnote "Sol" itself
lasolladoexcuse, exonerate, pardon, pardonable, excusable
sollaretolerate, bear, indulge, indulgence, tolerance
sollamiforgive, pardon, amnesty, mercy, forgiveness
sollafafavor, favorite, favorable, prefer
sollasol?? permit, allow
sollasito see, to hear to climb
sisolsidorun, gallop, race, runner
solsireto be happy, happiness, joy, playfulness, elation, happy, gay, joyful, perky, merrily, cheerfully, happily
solsimito be unlucky, misfortune, setback, calamity, disaster, unfortunate
solsifalaugh, hilarity, laughing
solsisolmood, temper, climate grin, smile
solsilaskip, hop, jump, pounce, frolic
ladoladodosecond climate
ladorecollege, high school, institution, university, teacher, professor, headmaster
ladomischool, student, pupil, disciple
ladofaread, reading, reader, readable, legibly
ladosolbook, volume, tome
ladolacapacity, charge, momentum preface, foreword
ladosibook, word, term
relaredoalphabet, alphabetical(ly)
larerefog, mist
laremispell, spelling
larefasyllable, syllabic, monosyllable, monosyllabic
laresollesson, instruction
larelavisibility phrase, sentence
laresidistraction, inattention, inadvertently, inattentive, carelessness, disapplied
milamidotemporary, fleeting
lamirewrite, writing, writer
lamimihumid, wet
lamifabarren, empty pen
lamisolforget, overlook, neglect, forgetful, omit
lamilaacceleration ink
lamisidifficulty, trouble
falafadopaper, sheet of paper, parchment
lafarepage, leaf, flip/thumb through
lafaminotebook, portfolio
lafasolblock, halt, stop, deny manuscript
lafalaintensity text
lafasisubject, topic, thesis, theme
sollasoldoerase, eraser irreligious
lasolrepencil, sketch
lasolmiinequality, unequal, uneven
lasolfato compare, to split undo, undone
lasollaalignmentalign, line
lasolsidraw, trace
lalaladodawn, twilight
lalareday, light
lalalanote "La" itself
silasidoto stay, to wait point, main idea
lasirehave fun, enjoy, be delighted, entertainment, amuse
lasimipenalty, displeasure, tribulation, pain, punishment
lasifahesitate, go with uncertainty, irresolution, indecisive
lasisolpunctuate, punctuation
lasilamaterial punctuation mark
lasisigalaxy cold, chilly, frigid
sidosidodostar atmosphere, air
sidoreto know, to think dishonor
sidomienmity, hostility, enemy, opponent, antagonist, hostile
sidofastart, begin, commence
sidolaprogress, progressive
sidosiposition, location learn, education
resiredogrammar, syntax, grammatically
sirereplanet star, planet
siremispell, spelling, orthography, orthographic
sirefaaccuracy, exactitude, punctuality, assiduity
siresolregular, symmetric, symmetry, correct
sirelaattention, take care, contemplation, be careful
siresiangle apply, studious
misimidodistinguish, differentiate, discern, difference, nuance,
simiredefinition, explanation
simimimoon, lunar
simifaconfuse, trick meaning, significance
simisolsimplify, make easy, simple, elementary
similafacilitate, make easy, aid, easy
simisidirection clarify
fasifadodictate, dictation, read out
sifarefault, defect, failure, defective, failed
sifamicorrect, reform, correction, reformation
sifafasun, solar
sifasolwait, patience, patient
sifalarepeat, recapitulate
solsisoldocompete, contest
sisolreencourage, embolden, stimulate
sisolmiinspect, review, inspector, inspection
sisolfareview, scrutinize, investigate
sisollaanalyze, analysis, analyst, analytical
sisolsidimension question, query
lasiladocompare, comparison, similarity, similitude, comparable
silareliquid, soft crown
silamihate, detest, abhor, hatred, animosity, aversion
silafaunable, unfit, incapable, inept
silasolto show, to tell down, descent
silalasky, firmament
silasi?? medal
sisisidowet, rainy
sisirewind, windy, breeze
sisimicloudy, unclear
sisifalightning, flash, second
sisilaheat, warmth
sisisinote "Si" itself

This guide covers the basics of Modern Solresol, but Sudre filled countless pages with additional words of 4 syllables that can be used to expand your vocabulary. Have fun learning and using Solresol.


do re mi fa sol la si

Useful Phrases

Below are the translations of a few useful key phrases agreed upon with members of the Solresol community. Thanks to everyone who collaborated and suggested corrections, this page was initially created to improve upon the examples on the Omniglot page, which have since been updated.

Greetings & Farewells
Welcome Misolresol
Hello/Good morning/day Simi
Goodbye/Good evening/night Misi
Long time no see! Mimilare!
Good luck! Soldosolsi!
Cheers! Good Health! Redofafa misol!
Pleased to meet you Sifalare mifare
Have a nice day Simi misol
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal Dolamisi misol
Bon voyage Fasidomi misol
I miss you Dore midomila domi
I love you Dore milasi domi
Get well soon Mimisifa Solsol misol
Congratulations! Mifala misol!
Stop! Go away! Solsol fasisolla, fasidola!
How are you? Redofafa domi?
I'm doing well. Dore redofafa
What's your name? Resisolre domi?
My name is ... Redo resisolre ...
Where are you from? Midoremi domi?
I'm from ... Dore midoremi ...
Do you speak Solresol? Solresol domilado domi?
Yes, a little Si, sifa
Speak to me in Solresol Falami Solresol solsol domilado
How do you say ... in Solresol? Milasolsol ... Solresol?
Yes, no, maybe. Si, do, mirelala.
Sorry, I don't know Dore relasi, do dofadofa
Please, speak more slowly Mifare, solsol remisifa fasi
Thank you Solsi
I understand Si dofadofa
Please say that again Solsol sifala fasi
Please write it down Solsol lamire mire
Excuse me, how much is this? Sollado, midodore?
Help! Fire! Dosido! Refasoldo!
Where's the bathroom? Solsisido mimisoldo?
They will pay for everything Dofa mireredo mimi laresifa
Would you like to dance with me? Lasi dore mifala misolsila?
Do you come here often? Mimilado mila dosolfala?
Happy Birthday Resirefa misolsimi solsire

incoming wiktopher translations thousand rooms