Lietal is an experimental synthetic language.
Lietal is a modular language building on 27 core words, it is written from left to right with implicit neutrality, singularity and at the present tense.
For the most part, its 6 vowels and 9 consonants are voiced similarly to their English equivalents. The Lietal "e" is very short, a barely audible junction between two consonants.
Vowels | |||||
I /i/ | leaves | Y /ɨ/ | journey | E /e/ | never |
A /ə/ | hexagram | O /ɔ/ | automobile | U /u/ | new |
Consonants | |||||
K [k] | kiss | T [t] | title | D [d] | device |
R [ʁ] | return | S [s] | symphony | L [l] | ligature |
J [ʐ] | menagerie | V [v] | video | F [f] | festival |
Building words from Lietal's phonemes, or dictionary forms is called Childspeak. It makes for rhythmical and syllabic words, its main usage is in loan words or for emphasis. This documentation uses the phonetically denser form casual adultspeak where patterns of duplicated consonants and vowels are condensed.
Childspeak | Adultspeak | |
Casual | Formal | |
lili | ile | lie |
lila | ila | lia |
liri | iler | lier |
lira | ilar | liar |
li | il | li |
A sequence of consonants, like "tato", is condensed into ato, a sequence of vowels, like "tava", becomes atev, in which an additional short "e" is replacing the duplicated vowel. The same rule also applies to assemble longer words, for example, "losorari" will be condensed into olesari.
Lietal words are built from the combination of the 9 Elementary Particles, and each one contains a consonant & a vowel.
Directional | Perspectival | Mechanical | |
Objective | Ky traverse-type | Ty state-type | Dy scale-type |
Observative | Ry direction-type | Sy relation-type | Ly counter-type |
Subjective | Jy modality-type | Vy alignment-type | Fy action-type |
Words are not created, but found among the permutations of the nine elementary particles, making for a total of 27 Elementary Constructs. These elementary constructs can be combined with each other, to create more complex ideas.
Directional | Perspectival | Mechanical | |
Objective | Ky traverse | Ty state | Dy scale |
• Ki parent | • Ti psychological | • Di complex | |
• Ka location | • Ta physiognomical | • Da organic | |
• Ko child | • To physical | • Do synthetic | |
Observative | Ry direction | Sy relation | Ly counter |
• Ri outward | • Si unit | • Li multiple | |
• Ra position | • Sa together | • La single | |
• Ro inward | • So separate | • Lo none | |
Subjective | Jy modality | Vy alignment | Fy action |
• Ji definitive | • Vi positive | • Fi to do | |
• Ja possible | • Va unknown | • Fa to see | |
• Jo impossible | • Vo negative | • Fo to be |
For example, we can assemble the verb "to show", with the combination of the elementary particles Fa(to see), and Ri(outward). The leading syllable determines a word's type, for example, afir(to show) inherits the action-type from fa(to see), therefore it can be assumed to be an action word relating to sight or communication.
of | to be | al | single |
ofir | to go | alor | i |
ofirok | to enter | alorek | my |
The order of words follows the table of Elementary Particles. In a typical sentence, traverse-type("k") words will be found at the beginning, and action-type("f") words, at the end. The following sequence of letters is the normal flow of a sentence, when a sentence must break the word order, commas are used. Notice the word order in the following sentence, and specifically how a comma is used to join two sentences that would normaly break the word order.
K | T | D | R | S | L | J | V | F |
Before we begin, we'll need some vocabulary.
Childspeak | Adultspeak | Form | Meaning |
kodiri | okider | child(future) | A part of the future. |
kafo | akof | location(to be) | The place where one live. |
fori | ofir | be(outward) | The action of going. |
dofa | odaf | syntetic(sight) | The syntesis of conversation, a record, a book. |
kadofa | akodaf | location(book) | The place of records, books. |
riko | irok | outward(child) | Away, from, out of something. |
fora | ofar | be(location) | The action of staying. |
Here's a few example sentences, notice how The Library is using childspeak to denote that the library is called Kadofa.
Kadofa oj ofar. | I can't stay at the library. |
Okider, akof ofir. | Soon, I am going home. |
Kadofa irok, akof aj ofir. | I might go home, from the library. |
Traverse-type words are meant to navigate a hierarchy, and are often used at the beginning of a sentence. Something made of smaller parts will begin with ik, something whole or a location will begin with ak, and a part of something will begin with ok. For example, adik(parent), adek(person) and adok(child).
State-type words are meant to define the state of existence of something. Where it will speak of the idea, or concept of a thing, at will speak of the shape of a thing, and ot will speak of the thing itself. The difference can be better explained when used in an action, or with the examples: ifet(to imagine), ifeta(to design) and ifeto(to build).
Scale-type words are used to define things that are made od(machines, products), from life-itself ad(fauna, flora) and from things that makes life id(time, space).
Direction-type words are used to change the attributes of a concept, to transition toward something other or to create a conceptual arrow.
Relation-type words will most often be used as particles to create the equivalence of English particles "and"and "with", or to create enumerations.
Counter-type words are often used to create subject pronouns, or parts of larger concepts like months in a year, or an item in a series. A sentence, by default, is expected to be at the 1st person, if a pronoun has not already been declared, pronouns are often omitted when possible. The basic Lietal singular pronouns are aleri(you), äler(he she), alero(i). The basic plural pronouns are iler(yous), ilera(they), ilero(we).
Modality-type words are usually used to create words like "couldn't", "could", "must", or ojefy, ajefy, ijefy.
Alignment-type words are used to express a standing on a specific topic, for example, to express that something is wanted or not. Many of the daily expressions of greetings are also created from iv, for example, ivero(welcome) is made from iv(positive) & or(inward). This pattern can be expanded to mean things like ivef(well done), or even iveda(health).
Action-type words are usually used at the end of a sentence and are generally built from the fy family. The sentence "I take the book home" is translated to ok otodeta aki ifero, following the K T F
structure. Or another example, "I give you the book", could be translated to ok otodeta aleri ifer, following the K T L F

To speak, or act, or think originally is to erase the boundary of the self. It is to leave behind the territorial personality.James P. Carse

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