The Flag of Dinaisth depicts ehrivevnv's ultraviolet reflection upon the Kanikule ocean below a lightless sky.
It is an old rendition of the character for blue, found in the Shuowen Jiezi, the character dictionary written by Xu Shen, 100 CE. This particular glyph has probably never been used outside of paleography. I found it to be very beautiful, and the word "blue" has a sunderly meaning in the stories from which my handle "neauoire" comes from.
The neauoire Ambigram avatar is used mostly in forums, as an alternative to the 091450 icon. The design is taken from the complete Neau Ambigram, also found here.
The Carmilla icon is taken from the 1995 cyberpunk magazine with the same name. This avatar is primarily being used on Mastodon and private channels.
The Orb fractal icon was created in 2007 and has come to represent the Trisight, it is usually visible on the main portal page of this wiki.
The Neauismetic crest features various elements found in the iconography of the Neon Hermetists. This icon is used mostly on official documentation, maps and charts from Dinaisth.
Lietal Glyph
The Lietal icon represents the relationship between the language's elementary constructs.
The path definition for the Turquoise line-plotter is as follow:
The path definition for the svg version is as follow:
M 1,31
l 0,-22.5
a 7.5,7.5 0 1,1 15,0
l 0,15
a 7.5,7.5 0 0,0 15,0
l 0,-15
a 7.5,7.5 0 1,1 15,0
l 0,22.5 15,0 0,-30 15,0 0,30 15,0 0,-30 0.5,0 15,30 15,-30 15,30
The Merveilles icon was created to mean the equalization of people through tooling, to elevate those in need or restrain those in power. It's a reference to the veil of ignorance.