Answers to commonly asked questions about lifestyle.
What is your background?
I was born in March of 1986. I was a notoriously distracted student in high school, I tried attending a few art classes in college before realizing that it was not the right environment to learn the things I was interested into.
I was first interested in illustration and motion graphics. I soon started writing music to complement the pictures and animations, and finally I began implementing interaction and turn these multimedia pieces into games, websites and tools.
Where do you work?
I work at a research studio aboard a sailboat, called Hundred Rabbits, where we do experiments in resilience and self-reliance using low-tech solutions.
What do you do during the daytime?
The ways in which I spend my time varies wildly from day to day, but mostly experimental research, my interests include alternative ways to store power and minimum viable solutions for technological tooling.
What is your routine?
I go to bed choosing one thing to accomplish the next day, I wake up to tackle this singular task. I tend to work only in the morning, get everything done before lunch. The afternoons, I spend mostly reading and learning things to help me solve the next day's task. I usually wake up with the sun, and sleep soon after sunset.
Where do you go to get inspired?
I share a forum with a few online friends and whenever I am looking for a new favourite thing, or some help — I know I can find it there. Everyone should build a network, a place where they can feel comfortable to experiment, show works-in-progress and exchange on the topics of art and science in a safe place among like-minded people.
Why do you think people should travel more?
I found travel to be a good catalyst toward learning new languages, for developing an interest in foreign cultures and ultimately for building empathy, curiosity and creativity.

How do you draw the line between what is published, and what stays private?
Working behind an avatar and living online through a proxy name offers a good healthy farness between the work and the self.
The Devine Lu Linvega project focuses on making explicit the reflections, and techniques for the creative process. My intimate life, my health, my friends and family are outside of the scope of this project.
What made you want to explicitly share the creative process as a project?
In my early years of journaling, I accidentaly stumbled on the feedback loop that exists between the Work, and its documentation. The aspiration that transpired from documenting through the lens of fiction bordering on self-insertion, which manifested as real changes in my life, was endlessly fascinating. I thereafter modeled the Devine Lu Linvega project over things like the Divine Comedy, Etidorhpa or Alice, which are fictional travel journals.