The Voynich
The Voynich10N07

Various Language notes on natural, synthetic and programming languages.

Welcome to the Language Portal, the goal of these pages is to host a few resources, summaries and notes from my own language studies. I've moved all notes about programming languages here, and math things here.

Kolik jazyků znáš,
tolikrát jsi člověkem.
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk




Did you know that before the invention of the crowbar, crows just drank at home?

Ship of thesaurus: When you rewrite a text by replacing every word with a synonym until none of the original words are left.


A tragedy consists of the same elements as a comedy, that is, the twenty-four letters of the alphabet.
Сердце получает нож
russian — Сердце получает нож10Y04
japanese — Sidonia11N13
Doredofado resol remiresol dosolfasi
solresol — Doredofado resol remiresol dosolfasi17W12
Alrök Fur Säldota
lietal — Alrök Fur Säldota13D12

incoming lifestyle faqs devine lu linvega