Nasu Uxn Release
Nasu Uxn Release15J11

Nasu is a spritesheet editor.

Nasu is a spritesheet editor created to help with the design of interfaces and assets for various Famicom projects. Nasu can import/export in the .chr file format, copy/paste suing the snarf buffer, it can also generate theme files.

As of 2021, the application is distributed as a rom for the Varvara system, you can download the assembled rom here, or find the source code here.


uxnasm nasu.tal nasu.rom
Nasu Uxn Prototype II
Nasu Uxn Prototype II15H02
Nasu Uxn Prototype I
Nasu Uxn Prototype I15E05
Nasu Original Version
Nasu Original Version14C05

incoming roms donsol famicom yufo dito graf3dscene chr format nmt format