Adelie is a program to create slideshows.

Adelie is a plain-text presentation tool and format. It is used to create slideshows from within the Varvara computer. It features a handful of commands to quickly place text and images on slides, it can be operated with a keyboard, mouse or a game controller.
The program features two ufx fonts to choose from, and tga image support. All sizes are in hexadecimal numbers.
Slideshow files contain one command, or comment, per line. Every parameter besides text and id, is a lowercase hexadecimal byte value. The slides are stored as plain-text.
- SIZE w,h set slide size
- NAME id set slide id
- GOTO x,y move to abs position
- MOVE x,y move by rel position
- LINK w,h id link to slide
- STOP ignore normal controls
- MODE color set color mode
- PICT name.tga draw picture
- HEAD text draw header
- TEXT text draw text
- FILL color fill background
- RECT w,h color fill rectangle
The links in a slide can be made visible by pressing shift.
Example Slideshow
SIZE 30,1c ( 768 x 448 ) NAME Slide 1 FILL 00 GOTO 04,04 PICT photo.tga GOTO 03,24 MODE 05 HEAD Header A MOVE 00,05 TEXT Some text with a linebreak,`and a second line. NAME Slide 2 FILL 01 MODE 07 RECT 10,50 0a GOTO 20,20 MODE 03 LINK 10,02 Slide 1 TEXT Return to first slide STOP
Custom Fill Patterns
You can change the fill pattern using the PATT operation, the expected values are equal to an ICN tile.
PATT c3 81 18 3c 3c 18 81 c3
uxnasm adelie.tal adelie.rom
— Adelie Uxn Release