The Studio equipment.
While the aliceffekt sounds were mostly sampled from the Microbrute, and the Поливокс.
studio workstation
- Semi-Modular Synthesizer: Arturia Microbrute
- Analog Synthesizer: Elta Поливокс Мини
- Analog Resynthesizer: Hologram Infinite Jets
- Sound card: Traktor Audio
- Sound Computer: Monome Norns
- Midi Interface: Roland UM One
- Midi Pads: Monome Grid, Akai LPD8
- Midi Keys: Akai LPK25
I typically record albums using one of the two synths, I built a library of samples over the years which I use for live shows so I don't have to carry the synths along with me.
When I'm experimenting, I will often have Orca running on a computer, or a midi controller going into the Norns(which I use for automating arpeggios and midi effects) connected into the Polivoks or Microbrute, which is connected to the Infinite Jets.
I don't use any type of midi syncing, I try to manually tune the LFOs and delays to play well with the instrumentation but I don't have any way of sending midi clocks between the various devices, I found that this typically adds a sort of organicity to otherwise very rigid tracks.

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