Project Euler is a series of mathematical and programming problems.

These problems have been modified to have, at most, 16-bit answers.

1 Multiples of 3 or 5

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 530(#0212). Answer: 65103(#fe4f)

( res ) LIT2r 0000
#0212 #0000
	( multiple of 3 )
	DUP2 #0003 MOD2 #0000 NEQ2 ,&fail-3 JCN
		STH2k ADD2r ,&resume JMP &fail-3
	( multiple of 5 )
	DUP2 #0005 MOD2 #0000 NEQ2 ,&fail-5 JCN
		STH2k ADD2r ,&resume JMP &fail-5
	INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN
( res ) STH2r

2 Even Fibonacci numbers

Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89. By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed 32'000(#7d00), find the sum of the even numbers. Answer: 60696(#ed18)

( res ) LIT2r 0000
#0000 #0001
	( even number )
	DUP2 #0001 AND2 NIP ,&skip JCN 
		STH2k ADD2r &skip
	DUP2 #7d00 LTH2 ,&loop JCN
( res ) STH2r

3 Largest prime factor

The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 64'485(#fbe5)? Answer: 1433(#0599)

#0002 #fbe5 STH2k
	STH2kr OVR2 MOD2 #0000 NEQ2 ,&no-factor JCN
	DUP2 ,is-prime JSR #01 NEQ ,&no-factor JCN
		,&end JMP
	#0001 SUB2 LTH2k ,&loop JCN

To find if a number is prime:

@is-prime ( value* -- bool )

	DUP2 #0002 EQU2 ,&pass-end JCN
	DUP #01 AND #00 EQU ,&fail-end JCN
		OVR2 OVR2 DUP2 MUL2 LTH2 ,&pass JCN
		OVR2 OVR2 DIV2k MUL2 EQU2 ,&fail JCN
		INC2 INC2 ,&loop JMP
	&fail POP2 &fail-end POP2 #00 JMP2r
	&pass POP2 &pass-end POP2 #01 JMP2r

4 Largest palindrome product

A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest hexadecimal palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit below #40 is #0990 = #30 × #33. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two digit below #c0. Answer: #b8 × #bb(#8668)

( res ) LIT2r 0000
		( iterators ) OVR2 NIP OVR SWP
		( product ) #00 SWP ROT #00 SWP MUL2 
		DUP2 ,is-palindrome JSR #00 EQU ,&skip JCN
			STH2k GTH2kr STHr JMP SWP2r POP2r &skip
		INC GTHk ,&b JCN

To find if a number is a palindrome:

@is-palindrome ( value* -- bool )

	DUP2 #f00f AND2 #40 SFT EQU STH
	#0ff0 AND2 #04 SFT EQU STHr AND


5 Smallest multiple

6 Sum square difference

7 10001st prime

8 Largest product in a series

9 Special Pythagorean triplet

10 Summation of primes

The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below 912(#0390). Answer: 64616(#fc68)

( res ) LIT2r 0000
#03a0 #0000
	DUP2 ,is-prime JSR #00 EQU ,&skip JCN
		STH2k ADD2r &skip
	INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN
( res ) STH2r

11 Largest product in a grid

12 Highly divisible triangular number

13 Large sum

14 Longest Collatz sequence

15 Lattice paths

16 Power digit sum

17 Number letter counts

18 Maximum path sum I

19 Counting Sundays

20 Factorial digit sum

21 Amicable numbers

22 Names scores

23 Non-abundant sums

24 Lexicographic permutations

25 1000-digit Fibonacci number

26 Reciprocal cycles

27 Quadratic primes

28 Number spiral diagonals

29 Distinct powers

30 Digit fifth powers