Immediate opcodes

Immediate opcodes are operations which do not take items from the stack, but read values stored immediately after the opcode in the program's memory. Uxntal has 4 immediate opcodes:

The immediate jump opcodes are slightly faster than their standard opcode counterparts, but do not have modes and cannot be used to do pointer arithmetic. The address value of the immediate opcodes are stored in memory as relative shorts, enabling routines making use of these opcodes to be moved around in the program's memory.

@fact ( n* -: res* )
	ORAk ?{ POP2 #0001 JMP2r }
	DUP2 #0001 SUB2 fact MUL2

Quoting is the act of deferring an operation, for example, by keeping the address to a routine on the stack and using it later, by unquoting it, with the JMP2 or JSR2 opcodes. To learn more about pointer arithmetic, see lambdas.