Pen & Paper Games
Hexapawn is played on a rectangular board of variable size, for example on a 3×3 board or on a chessboard. On a board of size n×m, each player begins with m pawns, one for each square in the row closest to them. The pawns can only move forwards, unless they are attacking, in which case they move diagonally forwards and remove the piece in that position from the board. The winner is the first player to get one piece to the opposite side of the board or to wipe out all the opponent’s pieces. The human player always plays white and always goes first. ~
Each time the machine loses a game, you remove the counter that corresponds to the last move that the machine took. If there is only one counter left in this box, remove the counter that decided its previous move. This means that the machine will never again take the same losing moves. When the machine wins, no changes are made to the boxes, but each time the machine loses another counter is removed. Very quickly the machine becomes unbeatable.

The game is played by two players starting with a few spots drawn on a sheet of paper. Players take turns, where each turn consists of drawing a line between two spots, or from a spot to itself, and adding a new spot somewhere along the new line. In so-called normal play, the player who makes the last move wins. In misère play, the player who makes the last move loses.
- A new line cannot cross itself or any other line.
- No spot may have more than three lines attached to it.
The game is played with two grids of dots that are slightly offset from one another. To win a player must make a continuous connection from one side of the board to the other in the long direction for his color of dots.
- The players take turns connecting two dots.
- A player can only connect dots that are adjacent horizontally or vertically and their own color.
Capture is played on a grid of dots. The players take turns connecting dots that are horizontally or vertically adjacent. If a player can complete a square then they capture that square. You must draw another line after making a capture. A player may make multiple captures in a single turn. After the last capture they must still connect two dots.
- The players take turns connecting two dots.
- The player who captured the most squares wins.
Peg Solitaire
Pegs is played on a shape made of pegs. The standard game fills the entire board with pegs except for the central hole. The objective is, making valid moves, to empty the entire board except for a solitary peg in the central hole.
- A valid move is to jump a peg orthogonally over an adjacent peg into a hole two positions away and then to remove the jumped peg.

Marking the ends of a pencil to use it as a six sided die.
Useful little trick to make a quick dice by marking the end of a six-sided pencil with the nail of your thumb or a sharp edge. As to not damage the lead, it's probably best to roll on a soft surface.