Standard Functions

The following is a collection of implementations for standard functions in Pure Lisp. Predicate functions suffixed with ? are expressions that return either T or F.

(null? λ (x) (EQ x (QUOTE NIL)))
(true? λ (x) (IF x (QUOTE T) (QUOTE F)))
(not? λ (x) (IF x (QUOTE F) (QUOTE T)))
(or? λ (x y) (IF x (QUOTE T) (true? Y)))
(and? λ (x y) (IF x (true? y) (QUOTE F)))
(number? λ (n) (EQ n (+ n (QUOTE 0))))

List Processing Functions

Length is the number of components in the list ls.

(length λ (ls)
	(IF (ATOM ls)
		(QUOTE 1)
		(+ (QUOTE 1) (length (CDR ls)))

Member? returns T if the atom e is present in the list ls.

(member? λ (e ls)
	(IF (ATOM ls) (QUOTE F)
	(IF (EQ (CAR ls) e) (QUOTE T)
		(member? e (CDR ls))))

Filter is the list of those components for which the application of fn is T.

(filter λ (fn ls)
	(IF (ATOM ls)
		(IF (fn (CAR ls))
			(CONS (CAR ls) (filter fn (CDR ls)))
			(filter fn (CDR ls))

Map is the list whose components are obtained from those of ls by application of fn.

(map λ (fn ls)
	(IF (ATOM ls)
		(CONS (fn (CAR ls)) (map fn (CDR ls)))