Lain is a Lisp dialect used as a templating and scripting engine.

The Lain is a simple Lisp language that used to exist at the core of Oscean before the migration to a fully static website, but it can still be found in various projects of the Nataniev, such as in the Ronin and Paradise applications.

Templating With Lain

(link "home")                             {(link "home")}
(link "home" "local")                     {(link "home" "local")}
(link "https://github.com/")              {(link "https://github.com/")}
(link "https://github.com/" "external")   {(link "https://github.com/" "external")}
(bold "bold")                             {(bold "bold")}
(ital "italic")                           {(ital "italic")}
(bold (link "home" "bold link"))          {(bold (link "home" "bold link"))}

Programming With Lain

(add (sub 5 3) 2)                         ; Basic Math
(λ (a b c) (concat a b c))                ; Lambda
(def obj:foo "bar")                       ; Creating object
(obj:foo)                                 ; Reading object parameters
(def _sidebar (dom:create "sidebar"))     ; Creating DOM elements