Appy-polly loggies: apologies Baboochka: old woman Bezoomny: crazy Bitva: battle Bog: God Bolshy: big Bratty, brat: brother Britva: razor Cal: shit Cancer: cigarette Cantora: room Carman: pocket Chasha: cup Chasso: guard Cheena: woman To cheest: to wash Chelloveck: man, gentleman Chepooka: nonsense Collocoll: bell To crast: to steal To creech:to scream Cutter: money Deng: money Devotchka: girl Dobby: good Domy: house To drats: to fight Droog, droogie: friend Eemya: name Eggiweg: egg To filly: to play Forella: lady, woman Glaz, glazzy: eye, nipple (in context) Gloopy: stupid Golly: coin Goloss: voice Goober: lip To gooly: to go Gorlo: throat To govoreet: to talk, speak Grahzny: dirty Grazzy: dirty Gromky: loud Groody: breast Gulliver: head Guff: laugh Hen-korm: pocket change Horrorshow: good Hound-and-horny: common Interessovated: interested To itty: to go Jammiwam: jam, jelly Jeezny: life Kleb: bread Klootch: key Kopat: understand Koshka: cat Krovvy: blood To kupet: to buy Lewdies: people Lighter: drinker Litso: face Lomtick: piece To lovet: to catch To lubbilub: to kiss Malchick: boy Malenky: little Maslo: butter Messel: idea Mesto: place Millicent: policeman Molodoy: young Moloko: milk Moodge: man, husband Mounch: food Mozg: brain Nadsat: teen Nagoy: naked Neezhnies: panties Nochy: night Noga: foot, leg Nosh: knife Oddy knocky: alone Okno: window To ookadeet: to leave Ooko: ear Oomny: smart Oozy: chain To osoosh: to wipe Otchkies: glasses To peet: to drink Pischa: food To platch: to cry Platties: clothes Pletcho: shoulder Plot: body Pol: sex To pony: to understand Poogly: frightened Pooshka: pistol Prestoopnick: degenerate Pretty polly: money To prod: to produce Ptitsa: woman Pyahnitsa: drunk To rabbit: to work Radosty: joy Rassoodock: mind Raz: time Razdraz: angry Razrez: anger To razrez: to tear Rooker: hand or arm Rot: mouth Rozz: policeman Sabog: shoe Sarky: sarcastic Shaika: gang Sharp: woman Sharries: (expletive to be used with “kiss my –”) Shest: barrier Shilarny: interest Shlaga: club, cudgel Shlapa: hat Shlem: helmet Shoom: noise Shoomny: noisy Shoot: fool Sinny: cinema To skazat: to say Skolliwol: school Skorry: fast To skvat: to snatch Sladky: sweet To sloochat: to happen To slooshy: to hear Slovo: word To smeck: laugh To smot: to see Sneety: dream Snoutie: mucus coming from the nose To sobirat: to pick up To spat with: to have sex with Spatchka: sleep Starry: old Tashtook: handkerchief To tolchock: to hit Twenty-to-one: gang violence Ultra-violence: rape What was vareeting: what was up Veck: man, guy Veshch: thing To viddy: to see Voloss: hair Von: smell To vred: to injure Yahma: hole Yahzick: tongue Yarbles: testicles, bollocks To yeckat: to drive Zheena: wife Zlook: ring, sound Zooby: tooth