Air Squats Alternating Jump Lunges Arch Hold Arm Circles Atomic Push-ups Australian Pull-ups Around The World Back Bridge Bear Crawl Bench Dips Bicycle Crunches Bird Dogs Body Rows Broad Jumps Burpees Calf Raises Chin-ups Clap Push-ups Close Grip Push-ups Commandos Crab Walk Cross-body Mountain Climbers Crow Pose Dead Bug Decline Push-ups Diamond Push-ups Dips Donkey Kicks Double Under Dragon Walk Duck Walk Elbow Plank Elevated Push-ups Explosive Push-ups Extended Plank Extended Side Plank Eagle Pose (Garudasana) Flutter Kicks Forward Lunges Frog Jumps Frog Stand Front Lever Front Plank Fingertip Push-ups Glute Bridge Glute Kickbacks Grasshoppers Groiners Goblet Squat Good Mornings Gorilla Jumps Handstand Push-ups High Knees Hindu Push-up Hanging Leg Raises Hip Bridge Hollow Body Hold Hyperextensions Incline Push-ups Inchworms Inverted Row Iron Cross Inverted Shoulder Press Isometric Squat Jumping Jacks Jump Squats Jumping Lunges Jackknife Sit-ups Judo Push-ups Jump Rope Knee Push-ups Kneeling Jump Squat Kick-throughs Kettlebell Swings Knee Tucks King Cobra Push-ups Lateral Squats Lateral Lunges L-Sits Leg Raises Lunges Leopard Crawl Lateral Step-ups Lateral Plank Walk Mountain Climbers Muscle-ups Modified Push-ups Monkey Bars Medicine Ball Slams Marching Plank Modified Burpees Mountain Jumper Negative Push-ups Nordic Curls Neutral Grip Pull-ups Narrow Squats Nose to Ground Push-ups Overhead Squats One-Legged Squats (Pistol Squats) One-Arm Push-ups One-Arm Pull-ups Oblique Crunches Push-ups Pistol Squats Plank Pull-ups Pike Push-ups Quadruped Leg Lifts Quick Feet Quadruped Arm Lifts Russian Twists Running in Place Reverse Crunches Rock Climbers (Mountain Climbers) Rows (Body Rows) Squats Sit-ups Supermans Side Plank Skaters Tricep Dips Toe Touches Tuck Jumps Triangle Push-ups Turkish Get-up Underhand Grip Pull-ups Upward Dog Uneven Squats Up and Over Jump Upright Row V-ups Vertical Jumps Vinyasa Flow Wall Sits Windshield Wipers Walking Lunges X-Jumps X-Plank Zombie Walks